Vacation Recap & Our Little Afternoon of Sailing

Over the past few years, I've truly come to learn the importance of taking some time for yourself to rest, regroup, and keep those creative juices flowing. We love to get away, whether it's just for a weekend along the coast or a full-blown trip somewhere, so we try to do so as often as we can manage to slip away to regroup. As a creative professional, I truly feel that this helps me to come back to work and responsibility bigger and better than ever. Soon, I plan to dedicate a whole post just to this topic. But in the meantime, I'll just give you some snippets of our recent vacation.

As you may know if you know or follow me, it's become a bit of a thing for us to pack up on my birthday week each year and head to the coast for Hangout Fest and a week of our toes in the sand. The combination of a great lineup, some good friends, and a week of R&R seems to always fall at the perfect time after my Spring rush and the commencement of Preston's studies for the semester. This year truly may have been my favorite, to date. Something about Jack Johnson singing the best lineup on my birthday was enough for me. (:

As if that wasn't enough though, my aunt and uncle just recently moved to Alabama and invited us to join them on their sailboat for a little sunset ride out. It was quite serene, I must say. Preston even got to help out a little on the boat, so naturally, I snapped a few photographs...2014-06-03_0003


But maybe the best part was the little family of dolphins that followed the boat for quite some time. The newfound animal lover in me was just smitten. Preston even tried to get them to swim close to him as he trailed behind the boat, but, they kept their distance about 10 feet behind him. You can see two of their fins to the right behind him in the above photo, still following.2014-06-03_0004

I hope you enjoyed a little peek into part of our vacation. To see more of our vacation, you can follow me @kalinorton on Instagram. Happy Wednesday, friends!








A Southern Louisiana Wedding - Ashley + Jason


VENDOR SPOTLIGHT: Victoria Austin Designs