Brianna: Giveaway Winner

I had no clue when I wrote the post about this giveaway just how much these stories would touch me, inspire me, and just give me a good dose of perspective. Daughters, friends, loved ones, and just onlookers started sending me beautiful stories of the women around them persevering through loss, through loneliness, through becoming leaders, and through finding a strength they never knew they had inside themselves. If you haven’t figured out by now, THIS MOVES ME. This moves me to my core. To see life testing someone and watch them not only power through it, but turn around and embrace that test to find a strength they never ever knew they had–that’s just one of the most substantial lessons we can learn from this crazy, beautiful life, my friends.

Brianna was submitted because someone felt her genuine light and goodness she radiates to the world. She always tries to find the best in a situation and instill those mindsets in her son, Gage. Speaking of Gage, she recently quit her job and went back to school, so that she could provide the life SHE wanted to provide for him. This is in addition to taking control of her health, dropping some pounds, and promoting a healthier lifestyle for him. Moving from comfortable to uncomfortable, my friends, is a quality I find admirable and more often than not, so worth the risk.

As if being a strong, uplifting mother working towards more opportunity for education wasn't enough, Brianna has endured an even larger battle. One that is incomprehensible to me and only one that I truly think other mothers who've endured this loss can truly understand. Brianna endured the loss of her other son, Ty, when he was born. And when asked how many sons she has, she will always, always tell you "Two. One here and one in Heaven."


2014-07-14_00042014-07-14_0006Even more, she's always at Gage's 4-H competitions, baseball, and basketball games cheering him on from the sidelines. She is hardworking, dedicated--a radiant light of love and hope. 2014-07-14_00032014-07-14_0002 2014-07-14_0005

 For all of Brianna's sincere hard work and beautiful attitude doing it, I felt that she was truly a perfect recipient of the giveaway. Brianna, thank you so much for just letting your light shine, always. People notice, and that should make you proud.




Jasmine Star Workshop: Chicago


Chicago & Finding My Inner City Girl