Noah | Louisiana Children's Photographer

Noah, oh sweet, beautiful Noah. From these photographs, you'd never know that this beautiful boy was diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease--a condition requiring him to undergo multiple heart surgeries within his first months of life. Noah is now two months old and has already been flown to Boston to undergo his first open heart surgery. While most of us were enjoying the cheer of the holidays, Angela and Daniel anxiously sat by the bedside of their baby boy for 3 1/2 weeks as he prayerfully recovered from such a giant procedure on his tiny body. Noah is now finally back home with mommy, daddy, and big sister Elliana getting lots of loving, I'm sure. Noah will have to undergo more surgeries, but for now, Angela and Daniel are helping him to grow as big and strong as his body will allow and prayerfully hoping he can reach about 6 months old before his next open heart surgery.2015-01-08_0007 2015-01-08_0008 2015-01-08_0005 2015-01-08_0006

It's so hard to believe just looking at this perfect baby boy that he will have to endure so much in his first year of life, but I couldn't imagine more loving parents, friends, and family in his corner. If you'd like to watch Noah's progress and send any words of strength and love his way, Angela has created a Facebook page in which she keeps everyone updated on his progress. You can find that, here.2015-01-08_00032015-01-08_0004

I'm not a mother yet, so I absolutely cannot fathom the ranges of emotion that have gone through Angela and Daniel during this process, but I do know that they adore their babies with everything they have. Angela is one of the most selfless and optimistic women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing--I don't think Noah could have a more perfect mommy by his side.2015-01-08_00022015-01-08_0001

Angela, Daniel, Elli, and Noah, thank you for once again allowing me to document the beautiful bond that ties your family together.







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