A Big Hug and A Bigger Welcome to 2016 Seniors!

Seniors, oh my beautiful seniors. You’re more than just a high schooler with a pretty face or a fabulous style or that awesome sense of humor. Yes, to me, you are at a peak right now, on the verge of limitless potential to achieve any dream you put your pretty little mind to. YES. That’s right. A-N-Y DREAM, at all. Ever. This is what I see, what I feel, what I love in photographing each and every senior that smiles pretty in front of my lens. More so, this is why I couldn’t be more excited to welcome the Class of 2016! Now’s the time, booking has been well underway, and I’d love to get to know and photograph even more of you this year! I want to know your stories, I want to see that style, that wit, that beautiful heart you possess–whatever it is that makes you who you are.

And because every post is better with photos, here are a few of my favorite shots from some of my fab seniors last year…


Hollie has a personality that radiates so profoundly that I left her session full of smiles. Shelbie brought her dad's vintage car and the most perfect tulle skirt for us to play with in the most whimsical field.2014-11-12_0029 2014-11-12_0023 2014-11-12_0024

Gaby's sweet and gentle personality matched the soft hues of her cream dress and the field we chose showered by the warm lingering of the sunset.2015-02-23_00092015-02-23_00112015-02-23_0005

Brook knew how to work a camera like it was her J-O-B. No tips needed from this photographer.2015-04-07_00062015-04-07_0004

Kaylei so effortlessly strutted down the streets of downtown like she owned the place.Kaylei HackettKaylei Hackett

Oh, my sweet girls, seeing your joy and your beauty through my lens fulfills me like you don't even know.2015-04-02_00042015-04-02_00052015-04-02_0007

Seriously, what girl doesn't want to twirl in the middle of a field in a tutu? Oh, is that just me? Well...2014-11-12_0010 2014-11-12_00112014-11-12_0014

Sarah Jane has practiced ballet all her life and all of my reminiscent dancer dreams came true the day she did ballet in the middle of the most dreamy mossy trees for me.2015-03-03_00112015-03-03_00122015-03-03_0008

If you haven't noticed a trend, soft colors and dreamy fields are kind of my thing. My jam, if you will.2015-04-07_00222015-04-07_00172015-04-07_0013Kaylei Hackett

 If you’re a senior in the Class of 2016, I absolutely cannot wait to hear from you!



Adeline | 7 Days New: Mandeville Newborn Photographer


What I'm Loving: Pasta-free Zucchini Ravioli