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Madison {Senior 2014}

I have had an influx of the most bubbly, big ol' smiln' senior girls lately and I love it. If you know me personally, you know I'm a pretty bubbly person. So, when I'm surrounded by other bubblies, it's just such a bright experience. Madison was one of my most recent senior girls who just captured my heart with her big smile and even bigger heart. Madison, her mom, her sister, and I tra-la-la'd through the streets just laughing away, finding the most perfect nooks and crannies. I love downtown streets, there are so many hidden treasures among them.

The feel of Spring color was all around for Madison's session--er, except for the actual feeling, which was unusually chilly for it being almost April in Louisiana. But we slipped in this college town's favorite little coffee shop, grabbed some hot tea and hot chocolate, and warmed up a little before continuing our venture to make it look as if it was 70 degrees and blue skies. We talked and laughed so much though, that I'm not sure we noticed the chill that much.


I'm just in love with the soft colors and overall feel we achieved from this look. Truth is, field shots are usually my favorite, but these were my favorites from Madison's sesh. I feel editorial, soft, and perfect emotion when I look at them.Madison-3

Then, we found another nook. Nooks are fun--like little, sneaky adventures. (:IMG_3096Madison-2 IMG_3121Madison-1

We ended, as you know by now how, next to a field of course, and well, just look. It's April and that means blooms are everywhere. We found a field that was completely covered in yellow flowers. The bokeh from my lens made it look like the perfect soft yellow blur paired with Madison's golden locks and pale yellow shirt. Oh, and her smile. (:IMG_3272 Madison-6IMG_3256IMG_3239Madison, you are such a bright light. I left your session all smiles from that sweet, bubbly personality you possess. Never let anyone dull that sparkle of yours baby cakes, it's a beautiful thing.

And Happy Thursday, my friends! It's almost the freakin' weekend. We have some of our best friends coming stay with us AND doing an early birthday celebration for P. I hope yours is just as lovely.










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Bailey {Senior 2014}

It's Friday and senior season, so naturally, I thought ending the week with another one of my classy and sassy seniors was the way to go. This time, with Miss Bailey and her timid and ever-so-sweet personality. Bailey's mom found me from the Blanchard family I photographed just before Christmas, and if you haven't seen their session, you can hop on over and view it here. Their little family was just picture perfect. Just like Bailey.

She chose to keep her session classic with all whites and creams, which is pretty much always a great option in my book. She jazzed it up slightly with some gold accessories and a floppy hat at the end, but nothing crazy--which I'm always ok with. Classic, you see, never goes out of style. (:

The deep colors around her seemed to be extra saturated and boldly gorgeous in the midst of that overcast day. I really, really love the deep colors and the way it brought out Bailey's best features.

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This one below gives me a little Banana Republic feel, and I love it. IMG_3003Bailey-1IMG_2993 Bailey-3IMG_2881Bailey-2Bailey, thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph you. Your timeless style and personality is stunning, and will take you great places in life. Stay classy. (:










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Bailey {Senior 2014}

"Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room,Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home. Remember the footsteps, remember the words said And all your little brother's favorite songs."

Those are words from a Taylor Swift song, but, oh my sweet, beautiful, goal-driven seniors, remember them. You're ready to move onto the next chapter of your life, I know you are -- and rightfully so. Your college years are a great, exciting new adventure. These years ahead will open your mind and your heart to places they've never been. You will meet people from all places and walks of life. Some will befriend you, many will teach you, some will be parts of some of the most memorable nights of your life, and then others will let you down. These years will be ones of exponential growth. You're headed for the beginnings of your walk into adulthood, and when you're done with the next four years, you will look back and see just what I meant when these words were written.

Every year I have a few seniors that I truly see small bits and pieces of my high school self in. Bailey's drive in school and extracurriculars and her bubbly personality were just that. On the other hand though, I did NOT have her style in high school. I'm not even old, at all, but for some reason I feel like the seriously rockin' styles my seniors come to the table with now just weren't nearly as awesome...or maybe I was totally out of the fashion loop. Ew, let's not dwell there.

Let's dwell on Bailey's earthy crochet-style dress that I need as a wardrobe addition and the to-die-for light in her field shots...

Hats and pearls will forever remain classy to me and tans and blacks do far too much for my soul. My mom used to fuss me when I was little because she claimed I only had grays, blacks, whites, and tans in my wardrobe. This still remains about 70% true and I'm not mad about it. Sorry momma! I just think they're such classy, earthy colors.

Bailey, and my many sweet seniors that will leave an imprint on me this year -- savor these moments. Enjoy the experiences ahead, and never, ever lose that beautiful drive that exists in you now. It will get you many places in life. It will be your intuition and your guiding light when adult things begin to muddle your sparkle. It will be your satisfaction at the end of countless hours and days of studying or working towards some huge, scary goal. It will be much of what's left in you when those you count on let you down. And somewhere among the muddle when all of these things happen, you will remember your drive. You will remember the strong, beautiful woman your momma, your daddy, your grandma, your teachers, your mentors helped you become in those definitive years of your childhood. Never let anyone dull that beautiful sparkle!

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