Children, Families, Maternity, Motherhood, Seniors Kali Norton Children, Families, Maternity, Motherhood, Seniors Kali Norton

NOW BOOKING! Remainder of 2020 and Studio Sessions!

Yep, that's right! I've opened a photography studio at 112 S. Cypress Street in Downtown Hammond, just down the street from Louisiana Children's Discovery Center and The Red, White, and Brew.  

I'm currently booking up for the remainder of 2020! If you'd like to reserve your spot for personal, family, or business portrait work in 2020, click here to contact me and get on the calendar. Let's make some magic!

Hammond Newborn Photographer

Yep, that's right! I've opened a photography studio at 112 S. Cypress Street in Downtown Hammond, just down the street from Louisiana Children's Discovery Center and The Red, White, and Brew.  After offering various types of photography "pop-ups" at local businesses, such as one thirteen restaurant and Local Honey this past year, I decided that a professional photography studio offering a wide range of creative photography services and price points was just what our city needed. In addition to full portrait sessions, I'll be offering a very select number of mini sessions each month!


In all seriousness, whether it's for family photography, a new baby, documenting the years of your children's growth, or even elevating your business and brand image through photography, I’m grateful you're interested in having me photograph the things that matter most to you. 


Here are a few details about my studio offerings...

Hammond Children's Photography




Want to schedule a session, but not ready to invest in a full session? Or perhaps you'd just like a few updated photos for social media or your kids' yearly growth...


Mini Sessions are a great option!  Starting in June 2020, Kali will be offering a very select number of mini sessions each month.  We know professional photography is a luxury, especially in these trying times, so we've decided to offer a select number of budget-friendly sessions each month. These sessions are intended to offer a quick, painless quality photography option for everyone!

Hammond Studio Photography
Hammond Photography Studio



I'm currently booking up for the remainder of 2020! If you'd like to reserve your spot for personal, family, or business portrait work in 2020, click here to contact me and get on the calendar.


Let's make some magic!

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Kali Norton Kali Norton

The Front Porch Project Hammond


In this time of uncertainty it’s important that the community comes together to uplift each other as well as support our local businesses while also staying socially distant!

There’s an idea out there called #TheFrontStepsProject and we decided to bring it to Hammond! We are jumping on board to offer free front porch sessions. A quick 5-10 minutes with Kali of Kali Norton Photography. She'll stand far away (she's got an awesome zoom lens that was made for this) and document your family during this time of crisis and togetherness. Your family will receive one digital image download of your choice from an online gallery.

We are in need of Front Porch Advocates to help coordinate for streets, blocks, and neighborhoods! If you’d like to be an advocate for your area, fill out the form on the site and note that you’d like to be the FPA. This will make you the contact person in which I coordinate times for your neighborhood. Once you fill out the form, we’ll be reaching out to chat logistics!

Our donation ask is that you make a small purchase (any denomination) at one of our small business around the Hammond area. We help each other by giving. Simply buy a gift card online at your favorite local business or pick up a curbside order to support them during this time. When we publish your photos, we will tag that small business. Kali is also happy to come and photograph you outside your business.

Please fill out all the information on the contact form and we will return your inquiry as soon as possible! You can find the contact form on my website. Here's the link: 

Let’s join in this unity project #fromadistance together!

Special Thank you to the #TheFrontPorchProjectNOLA for the inspiration and collaboration on this project as well as the original idea from #TheFrontStepsProject.

And be sure to join the Facebook group. Here's the link:

Kali Norton

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Personal, Motherhood Kali Norton Personal, Motherhood Kali Norton

Marin | Newborn Days

Nothing and everything prepares you for motherhood. Raising a human takes everything you’ve ever known, combines it with a dump truck of random, yet vitally important things you couldn’t have possibly known, then motivates you with the cutest little cooing, smiling face to put it all together and be the best possible version of yourself. It’s the most beautiful and welcomed chaos I’ve ever been a part of.

“Several realities play themselves out at once on the inner landscape of a new mother. Meanwhile, she is often hidden from society and--lets be honest--far too tired to adequately explain the miraculous and painstaking labyrinth she has suddenly found herself living within.”

Brave New Mama, Vicki Rivard

When your job is to glorify motherhood, as it deservedly should be, yet you’re in the throes of new motherhood…let me tell you, it’s a weeeee bit intimidating to get back to work. While these past three months have abso-f**cking-lutely been glorious, they’ve been disheveled and messy. They’ve been sleepless and cranky, and full of a type of love sprinkled down straight from unicorns and fairies.

Nothing and everything prepares you for motherhood. Raising a human takes everything you’ve ever known, combines it with a dump truck of random, yet vitally important things you couldn’t have possibly known, then motivates you with the cutest little cooing, smiling face to put it all together and be the best possible version of yourself. It’s the most beautiful and welcomed chaos I’ve ever been a part of.

Thankfully, amidst the fog that is the first weeks with a newborn, my dear friend Lauren encouraged me to let her snap a few photographs of Marin and I. You see, I had a full newborn session booked with another friend as well, but we had to cancel due to sickness, then never rescheduled during those first days. I had all of the plans to take every little cutesy, cuddly photo of Marin with me and Cory. Surely, as it’s my bread and butter to document this season of life for other women, I thought I’d document this season with my girl so beautifully. I preach it ALL OF THE TIME as I observe and photograph motherhood for my clients, but those days pass by even more quickly than I’d imagined.

Here’s a little glimpse into one of our perfectly imperfect first days. My hair was in a braid because the thought of actually fixing it was more than laughable. My makeup was thrown on in minutes in between cries and nursing attempts to soothe a fussy baby. My dress, the first thing I grabbed out of my closet that I thought might fit. Being on camera felt like a gross bother to me and all I wanted to do in those sleepy, early days was admire my baby on my couch. But oh, my cooing, laughing baby. My baby who already doesn’t want me to hold her like a baby when awake. My quickly growing baby, how I will cherish these blurry, emotional, sleepy first days and the snapshots that will remind me of a little you’ll never be again.

And for all of the mamas out there, I now understand more than ever before, you are the superheroes, GOAT, rockstars, and the real MVPs.


As I mentioned, my good friend Lauren took the above photos for me when Marin was just a few days old.

Here are a few snapshots I took of my girl today, because she is THREE MONTHS OLD. Wah!

Hammond Newborn Photographer
Hammond Newborn Photographer
Hammond Newborn Photographer

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Children, Families Kali Norton Children, Families Kali Norton

Demi | Hammond Children’s Photographer

“If I tell her I love her a million times a day, maybe, just maybe, she’ll learn: that even in my flaws, my lack, and my mistakes, I gave her my entire heart—”

“If I choose to always grow, maybe she will bloom like a wildflower.

If I make art from my everyday, she too, will create her days full of colour.

If I let my tears fall and always when they need, perhaps she’ll water the earth with an open heart.

If I’m clumsy-crazy and all about her Dad, a beautiful-crazy-love is what her heart will search for.

If I let him forever romance me in the wake of day, she will forever know no less…”

Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer

“If I say “I’m sorry”—even when it’s hard, maybe she’ll be quick to forgive others.

If I choose to speak life in vibrant and rich colours, let beige words never settle in her heart.

If I leave pretty love-notes, handwritten on every wall, affirmations will line the depth of her soul…”

Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer

“If I choose the uncomfy and forever shake up my ways, maybe she too, will stand to live life bold & brave.

If I take time to be alone & make dreaming paramount to my week, she’ll learn solitude is important and a golden gift to seek.

If I look in the mirror and speak kind and gentle words, she too, will forever know her worth…”

Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer

“If I fill our house with flowers, music & sweet loving scents, maybe the silhouette of home will always be warmth.

If our front door is always open to those who are in need, she’ll learn the golden purpose of life.

If I pray out loud and have real conversations with God, maybe she’ll move mountains with her voice…”

Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer

“If I tell her I love her a million times a day, maybe, just maybe, she’ll learn: that even in my flaws, my lack, and my mistakes, I gave her my entire heart—”

My Motherhood Monologue by Tess Guinery

Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
Hammond Children's Photographer
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Seniors admin Seniors admin

Hello 2015 Seniors!

Seniors, oh my beautiful seniors. You're more than just a high schooler with a pretty face or a fabulous style or that awesome sense of humor. Yes, to me, you are at a peak right now, on the verge of limitless potential to achieve any dream you put your pretty little mind to. YES. That's right. A-N-Y DREAM, at all. Ever.

This is what I see, what I feel, what I love in photographing each and every senior that smiles pretty in front of my lens. More so, this is why I couldn't be more excited to welcome the Class of 2015! Now's the time, booking has been well underway, and I'd love to get to know and photograph even more of you this year! I want to know your stories, I want to see that style, that wit, that beautiful heart you possess--whatever it is that makes you who you are.

WHAT'S EVEN BETTER THAN THAT ALONE? Imagine Boutique (@shopimagine on Instagram) wants to be a part of the experience to make YOU feel fresh and fabulous!

SO, WHAT'S THAT MEAN? Glad you asked. Imagine is absolutely one of my favorite places to shop locally. Show Imagine proof of your scheduled session with ME and they will take 15% OFF of your outfits for the session! Contact me HERE if you'd like to get your session scheduled!

And because every post is better with photos, here are a few of my favorite shots from some of my Fall seniors last year...


You might recognize Callie above from more than just her senior session, as she and Renee (in the red a few photos down) were also Imagine's chosen models for their Spring/Summer line this year!2014-09-17_0004 2014-09-17_00052014-09-17_0003

This part of Kaylyn's session (above) was another favorite of mine. She and I had so much fun playing with the piles of crunchy leaves we came across. Did I mention how much I love Fall?


2014-09-17_00082014-09-17_0006 2014-09-17_0009And this is Renee' (above). You probably also recognize her from my site quite a bit. She was also one of Imagine's models this past year.  2014-09-17_00102014-09-17_0012 2014-09-17_0011 If you're a senior in the Class of 2015, I absolutely cannot wait to hear from you!







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