Personal, Motherhood Kali Norton Personal, Motherhood Kali Norton

Marin | Newborn Days

Nothing and everything prepares you for motherhood. Raising a human takes everything you’ve ever known, combines it with a dump truck of random, yet vitally important things you couldn’t have possibly known, then motivates you with the cutest little cooing, smiling face to put it all together and be the best possible version of yourself. It’s the most beautiful and welcomed chaos I’ve ever been a part of.

“Several realities play themselves out at once on the inner landscape of a new mother. Meanwhile, she is often hidden from society and--lets be honest--far too tired to adequately explain the miraculous and painstaking labyrinth she has suddenly found herself living within.”

Brave New Mama, Vicki Rivard

When your job is to glorify motherhood, as it deservedly should be, yet you’re in the throes of new motherhood…let me tell you, it’s a weeeee bit intimidating to get back to work. While these past three months have abso-f**cking-lutely been glorious, they’ve been disheveled and messy. They’ve been sleepless and cranky, and full of a type of love sprinkled down straight from unicorns and fairies.

Nothing and everything prepares you for motherhood. Raising a human takes everything you’ve ever known, combines it with a dump truck of random, yet vitally important things you couldn’t have possibly known, then motivates you with the cutest little cooing, smiling face to put it all together and be the best possible version of yourself. It’s the most beautiful and welcomed chaos I’ve ever been a part of.

Thankfully, amidst the fog that is the first weeks with a newborn, my dear friend Lauren encouraged me to let her snap a few photographs of Marin and I. You see, I had a full newborn session booked with another friend as well, but we had to cancel due to sickness, then never rescheduled during those first days. I had all of the plans to take every little cutesy, cuddly photo of Marin with me and Cory. Surely, as it’s my bread and butter to document this season of life for other women, I thought I’d document this season with my girl so beautifully. I preach it ALL OF THE TIME as I observe and photograph motherhood for my clients, but those days pass by even more quickly than I’d imagined.

Here’s a little glimpse into one of our perfectly imperfect first days. My hair was in a braid because the thought of actually fixing it was more than laughable. My makeup was thrown on in minutes in between cries and nursing attempts to soothe a fussy baby. My dress, the first thing I grabbed out of my closet that I thought might fit. Being on camera felt like a gross bother to me and all I wanted to do in those sleepy, early days was admire my baby on my couch. But oh, my cooing, laughing baby. My baby who already doesn’t want me to hold her like a baby when awake. My quickly growing baby, how I will cherish these blurry, emotional, sleepy first days and the snapshots that will remind me of a little you’ll never be again.

And for all of the mamas out there, I now understand more than ever before, you are the superheroes, GOAT, rockstars, and the real MVPs.


As I mentioned, my good friend Lauren took the above photos for me when Marin was just a few days old.

Here are a few snapshots I took of my girl today, because she is THREE MONTHS OLD. Wah!

Hammond Newborn Photographer
Hammond Newborn Photographer
Hammond Newborn Photographer

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Families, Motherhood Kali Norton Families, Motherhood Kali Norton

New Collection Offer: "A Day in the Life" Motherhood Sessions

Tantrums on the floor and you cringe for your photographer to see? You think to yourself, “I mean, c’mon, those other families must have such well-behaved kids to keep it picture perfect for an hour.” Can I say a big NO NO NO NO NO.

Gimme the tantrums, meltdowns, and time-outs. Give me the snotty noses and bed head, the chaos along with the calm that fills your life. . . . 

You’re in the throes of it Ma, and you may or may not realize it, but these are the “salad days” of parenthood and you’re going to laugh one day about those meltdowns over the green beans touching the macaroni on the dinner plate.

Let me document the beauty in corners of your chaos that you may be too sleep deprived and behind on laundry to soak in right now. Because one day mama, you’re going to look back and want to relive every single minute of these days.

These are not your average family photo sessions.  Every family has their own unique story so let's take a day to tell your story, unabridged and unscripted. This experience yields images guaranteed to bring on the happy tears during nostalgic times. 

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Here are a few reasons we love “A Day in the Life” Motherhood Sessions…

  • There is NO RUSH! We have an entire day to allow your family to spend the day together without pressure to perform for the camera.

  • No decisions about which activities to document, we will do them all! Morning snuggles + bedtime routines and everything in-between!

  • An entire day of being together. There will be giggles, tears, a time-out or two, but your family will make some amazing memories together and have photographs to relive them.

This session is a larger investment than an average photo session, as this collection is 8+ hours long and most likely done once while your children are young. The goal of these sessions is to capture an in-depth photojournalistic heirloom of personalities for your family during this season of life.

For the year 2019 only, I’m offering introductory pricing of “A Day in the Life” Motherhood sessions. Introductory pricing begins at an all-inclusive price of $1500. Payment plans are available for these sessions and can be booked up to 12 months in advance. Introductory priced sessions must be photographed in 2019.

When you decide you are ready for your day in front my camera, reach out so we can pick a date. It will be the best decision you ever made in creating a personal time capsule of these ever-fleeting days.

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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Gantt {9 Days New}

There must have been something in the air about ten months ago, because it's been a beautiful season of newborns around here lately--little boys, at that. In Taylor's case, this is her second baby boy and the overwhelming love I saw radiating from her was just breathtaking. Even sweeter, Gantt received his name from Taylor's maiden name. This is a concept I really love, actually. Such a beautiful way to keep such a defining part of your heritage as a woman alive.

She held him so closely, all while giving the utmost attentiveness and playful comments to her other, slightly older baby boy, Blain. Peace, contentment. This is what I felt while surrounded by Taylor and her newly expanded family.


Attentive to all of his coos and cries, she was so right at home with baby number two.2014-09-09_0008 2014-09-09_00012014-09-09_0009

There is not much in this world more sacred than the beginning moments of life between mother and child...2014-09-09_00042014-09-09_0003

Blain decided to join us and love on his little brother for a minute. So perfectly sweet did he plant a kiss on his forehead, while dressed in the most adorable seersucker outfit.2014-09-09_0010 2014-09-09_00142014-09-09_0012 2014-09-09_0011Taylor, thank you so much for allowing me to witness and document such soft beginning moments of life between you and Gantt. Enjoy these sweet days, momma.




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