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Stephanie + Joel - Part II

Happy first day of Spring! Oh how optimistic I am about blooming flowers and sunshine. As promised, here's the second part of Stephanie and Joel's sweet, sweet engagements. Since we are welcoming in the first day of Spring today, I thought it was appropriate to share this part with all of the pretty white blooms...IMG_2698Bonomolo-4 Bonomolo-3


These black and whites were both Stephanie and my favorites.Bonomolo-5IMG_2796 Bonomolo-6

 I hope you enjoyed part two of these little lovers. Stay tuned for some Cabo goodness when they say their nuptials next May! Have a fabulous weekend, my friends.




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Personal, Seniors admin Personal, Seniors admin

Because a Smiling Girl is the Prettiest Kind

I called her out of the blue in April of 2012, during the Africa deployment to show my support, as she knew no one. Little did I know when I made that phone call, that this little lady would become such a beautiful part of this season of my life. My sweet soul sister, Stacy, came to visit this past week for Mardi Gras and I could not have been more excited to see her. She's from Lincoln, Nebraska--and if you've never visited Lincoln, I must say, it's rather lovely. You might remember her from this session I did of her and her boys during my last visit to see her.

We managed to fit in a little photo shoot while she was here, in which I channeled my inner boho and flower child. If you know me at all, you know it wasn't that hard to channel those. (:IMG_1752Stacy-1

IMG_1747IMG_1876IMG_1902IMG_1904 IMG_1866 Preston is pretty fabulous at being my sidekick while shooting. Of course, he's always with me at weddings, but it's rare that he gets to tag along for a planned session. Since he was with us, he took it upon himself to get some natural emotion out of Stacy. IMG_1889

AND since Preston was there, I was able to hop in for a few with my sweet friend. Because, girl power...duh. (: Stacy-2IMG_1801

And since it's rare that I'm all dolled up AND Preston is present AND the camera is out, I got him to snap a few of me in my new favorite tunic from Imagine Boutique. If you live in the Hammond/Ponchatoula area and haven't been by, their new arrivals for Spring had me smitten. And if you're not from the area, I do believe they will be launching a website soon. (:Stacy-3

The tunic is especially nice, given our weather lately just can't seem to make up it's mind between Winter and Spring...

AND just a reminder in case somehow you missed it, please please PLEASE don't forget about the epic giveaway I have going on right now! Don't be scared to nominate people guys. It's a beautiful thing. I want to hear the inspiring stories of those who inspire you. GO, GO, GO!

Happy, Happy Thursday my friends!











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