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Macey {Senior 2014}

Meet Macey. She's a timid personality that came out with her soft, sweet features through my camera. Oh, and maybe I'm just crazy with my celebrity look-alike brain now, but I think she looks strikingly similar to Anne Hathaway. But hey, if I looked like Anne Hathaway, I'd let someone tell me that all day long. (:

Since it's just a few days before Easter, Macey's soft lavendar clothing choice for her field shots were quite appropriate to post, I felt. Pastels mixed with pretty light make for such perfect, ethereal photographs.

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She had three outfits, two of which I've highlighted in this post. I really loved her black dress with a heart cutout in the back, also. And our super ninja nook we found in a very public place. You can't even tell. (:IMG_4072-EditMacey-2Macey-3IMG_4105Macey-1IMG_3974

Macey, you are just stunning. I wish you nothing but the best of luck! Happy Easter, my friends!


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Emma {Senior 2014}

I love people. That's a broad statement, I know. But I just love the intricacies of different personalities, and different styles, and just what makes a person who they are. Maybe this is why I just have this urge to be friends with almost everyone I meet. I'd like to think it's a good quality, but sometimes I'm not sure! (:

I especially love when we draw the personality of each of my seniors out in a session. Some are timid, some are straight model with their serious face (which I look upon their serious abilities enviously), and some are like me and giggles are the most natural. That's Emma. Emma's personality can light up a room. Her smile and modestly sweet persona just draws you in and makes you wanna give her a big bear hug.


Emma had three outfits for her session, but only two are pictured in this post. The other is for the online store of her parents' company, Louisiana Sportsman. If you're from Louisiana, chances are you've seen their stuff. But if not, you can check out some of their nifty apparel hereIMG_3513 Emma-3IMG_3506

See what I mean? That smile just makes you SO HAPPY. Emma-5Emma-4IMG_3596Emma wanted to take advantage of the gorgeous field of yellow flowers right next to us that just screamed Spring. So, we had more fun with her surplus of smiles in that direction. (: Emma-6IMG_3651IMG_3714 Emma-7 IMG_3685

Emma, you are a beautiful little light. Never lose that little light and big smile. Thank you for the opportunity to photograph you. I know you will be great next year with your big move!













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Madison {Senior 2014}

I have had an influx of the most bubbly, big ol' smiln' senior girls lately and I love it. If you know me personally, you know I'm a pretty bubbly person. So, when I'm surrounded by other bubblies, it's just such a bright experience. Madison was one of my most recent senior girls who just captured my heart with her big smile and even bigger heart. Madison, her mom, her sister, and I tra-la-la'd through the streets just laughing away, finding the most perfect nooks and crannies. I love downtown streets, there are so many hidden treasures among them.

The feel of Spring color was all around for Madison's session--er, except for the actual feeling, which was unusually chilly for it being almost April in Louisiana. But we slipped in this college town's favorite little coffee shop, grabbed some hot tea and hot chocolate, and warmed up a little before continuing our venture to make it look as if it was 70 degrees and blue skies. We talked and laughed so much though, that I'm not sure we noticed the chill that much.


I'm just in love with the soft colors and overall feel we achieved from this look. Truth is, field shots are usually my favorite, but these were my favorites from Madison's sesh. I feel editorial, soft, and perfect emotion when I look at them.Madison-3

Then, we found another nook. Nooks are fun--like little, sneaky adventures. (:IMG_3096Madison-2 IMG_3121Madison-1

We ended, as you know by now how, next to a field of course, and well, just look. It's April and that means blooms are everywhere. We found a field that was completely covered in yellow flowers. The bokeh from my lens made it look like the perfect soft yellow blur paired with Madison's golden locks and pale yellow shirt. Oh, and her smile. (:IMG_3272 Madison-6IMG_3256IMG_3239Madison, you are such a bright light. I left your session all smiles from that sweet, bubbly personality you possess. Never let anyone dull that sparkle of yours baby cakes, it's a beautiful thing.

And Happy Thursday, my friends! It's almost the freakin' weekend. We have some of our best friends coming stay with us AND doing an early birthday celebration for P. I hope yours is just as lovely.










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Mia {Senior 2014}

I know I say it so much that it probably sounds like nothing more than a broken record at this point, but I truly, truly enjoy every minute of the experience of photographing my high school seniors. You see, I've finally reached the point where I'm not inundated with more sessions than I can handle or stressed editing a session that doesn't match my style and feel of photography; but instead, I'm at a point where nearly every single person who has booked with me in the past year shares a desire for a style and vision similar to my own. They approach me with trust--and more importantly, with a vision that we execute together, as a team. And this, my friends, means SO much more to me than being overly booked and overly busy.

This, for me, means...more attention to each individual.

This, for me, means...more quality, less quantity.

This, for me, means...actually getting to experience what makes a senior, a family, a couple, who they are.

This, for me, means...creating a personal experience with each client, rather than a checklist of tasks.

This, for me, means...time to breathe--for living, experiencing, and documenting life; NOT being so busy that I miss the beautiful parts of life my clients, friends, and experiences have to show me.

This, for me, means...the reason I started my business in the first place.

I'll let you in on a  little secret. I've actually been suuuuper discouraged about some business goals lately. I was just sort of feeling like no matter how far I have come, I still have SO far to go. This is something I tend to do in all areas of my life. Looking at how far others have come, both personally and professionally, and digging out the ugly comparison monster. Sound familiar? I know it does. (:

I'm far from where I dream to be, and in fact, still have so so very many steps left to get there; but after taking a breather and stepping back to realize the gift it is to so pleasantly experience beautiful, radiant seniors like Miss Mia here, I've realized that I am right where I want to be--ever learning, ever changing, and most importantly, ever growing.

So, without further sappy ado from Queen Emotion here, please enjoy sweet Mia. This girl is genuine y'all. A heart of gold...and yet another wardrobe that I'd just like to duplicate for myself. ESPECIALLY that Abercrombie scarf and those Steve Madden boots below. (:Mia-2IMG_2250Mia-3IMG_2279

Mia's persona was calm and inviting. She exuded a warmth that said so much about her character, without saying anything at all. Mia, her mom, and I had an absolutely pleasurable time full of giggles and great conversation during her session.IMG_2346Mia-1IMG_2359


Mia, you were a graceful and welcomed pleasure to photograph. Keep that warmth and big heart always. I know such great things lie ahead for you!







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Caitlyn + BJ

It's always particularly special to me when I have the opportunity to document a monumental life event of someone whom I've personally known for some significant portion of life. To observe them a little more intimately, through my lens, and see the true emotion that exists within them during this season in life. This is one of the many reasons I was overjoyed when Caitlyn asked me to document her wedding and this season in life for her and BJ.

You see, I've known Caitlyn with all of her sweet personality and smile that could light up a room since pre-school. In fact, there's a photo of us from pre-school with some other fine ladies that I grew up with that I tried to dig up for this post, but I couldn't locate it. Caitlyn's smile alone is so full of joy, it's no wonder BJ wants to spend the rest of his life with her. I've also known BJ for quite some time. He too has a welcoming smile and persona that leaves you feeling right at home.

Caitlyn and BJ both attended Southeastern, so photographs among the quaint streets of our little college town were nothing short of appropriate.

Roux-8 Roux-5IMG_1676The above photo, to me, personifies the welcomed warmth BJ exudes, especially towards Caitlyn. And her smile below is that genuine Caitlyn smile I was speaking of. Roux-6IMG_1718Roux-7IMG_1609IMG_1594And just so we're clear, he definitely brought her home these flowers the day of our session, so she found it only appropriate to bring them along. I'm so glad she did. Ah, little sweet gestures...Roux-2IMG_1507Roux-3IMG_1495

I happen to love little detail shots to tie outfits, colors, and surroundings together. I particularly love the ones I snapped in this session, because I feel that they really show the personality of our adorable little college town. It's nothing extravagant in Hammond, Louisiana to most, but when I walk the streets, I feel so much appreciation for the personality in all of the little nooks and crannies.Roux-4IMG_1378Roux-1 IMG_1397

Caitlyn and BJ, I adore the relationship you share just as much as I adore the two of you. I could not feel more honored and delighted to document this part of life for you. Here's to January, and the many years to follow.









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Because a Smiling Girl is the Prettiest Kind

I called her out of the blue in April of 2012, during the Africa deployment to show my support, as she knew no one. Little did I know when I made that phone call, that this little lady would become such a beautiful part of this season of my life. My sweet soul sister, Stacy, came to visit this past week for Mardi Gras and I could not have been more excited to see her. She's from Lincoln, Nebraska--and if you've never visited Lincoln, I must say, it's rather lovely. You might remember her from this session I did of her and her boys during my last visit to see her.

We managed to fit in a little photo shoot while she was here, in which I channeled my inner boho and flower child. If you know me at all, you know it wasn't that hard to channel those. (:IMG_1752Stacy-1

IMG_1747IMG_1876IMG_1902IMG_1904 IMG_1866 Preston is pretty fabulous at being my sidekick while shooting. Of course, he's always with me at weddings, but it's rare that he gets to tag along for a planned session. Since he was with us, he took it upon himself to get some natural emotion out of Stacy. IMG_1889

AND since Preston was there, I was able to hop in for a few with my sweet friend. Because, girl power...duh. (: Stacy-2IMG_1801

And since it's rare that I'm all dolled up AND Preston is present AND the camera is out, I got him to snap a few of me in my new favorite tunic from Imagine Boutique. If you live in the Hammond/Ponchatoula area and haven't been by, their new arrivals for Spring had me smitten. And if you're not from the area, I do believe they will be launching a website soon. (:Stacy-3

The tunic is especially nice, given our weather lately just can't seem to make up it's mind between Winter and Spring...

AND just a reminder in case somehow you missed it, please please PLEASE don't forget about the epic giveaway I have going on right now! Don't be scared to nominate people guys. It's a beautiful thing. I want to hear the inspiring stories of those who inspire you. GO, GO, GO!

Happy, Happy Thursday my friends!











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Renee {Senior 2014}

Between the cozy boho chic, the creams and bold colors, and Renee's insanely fabulous ability to work the camera, I pretty much almost fell out, right onto the floor with overwhelming excitement over everything about her. She's adorably sweet, a pro at makeup application, and I'm pretty sure I'd be fine hanging out with her for hours, any day. Much like all of my seniors so far this year, spending time with Renee and working on her session simply left me speechless. Between the beauty, grace, and potential these girls have at their fingertips, I have such high hopes for what the future holds for them. I always try my hardest to keep up with my seniors after graduation, even if only through social media, and see where the limitless potential they have takes them...


This portion of Renee's session, in particular, was inspired by my love for creamy cable knits, as well as my obsession with American Horror Story. If you are also an AHS fan, just imagine Lily Rabe's character, Misty, dancing to Stevie Nicks here. (;IMG_8624IMG_8648Renee-5IMG_8672Renee-6

Renee conveyed so much natural emotion in her photographs. I'm pretty much in love with her, her baby doll face, and those pretty smiles.IMG_8460 IMG_8483Renee-1 IMG_8500

And in case you live under a rock and didn't think it already, can we say Megan Fox? Seriously. And I know I'm not crazy, because the first three of my friends to view her photos commented the exact same thing. This girl...IMG_8586 IMG_8578Renee-4IMG_8568 IMG_8613Renee-3IMG_8525 Renee-2 Renee, I had the most fun spending time with you and learning about the things that you love. I cannot wait to see where the future brings you--I have the highest of hopes for you, sweet girl.











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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Witty Toddlers and Crunchy Leaves

One of my most favorite parts of photographing toddlers is the things that intrigue them. Now, combine that with a adorably feisty little red head--and well, let's just say there wasn't a shortage of laughs. Little Miss Presley has some strong wit for a toddler, not to mention, she's a girl who knows what she wants. I loved every bit of her assertive and sweet little personality.


See what I mean? Between the sweet sparkle in her innocent eyes and the "I'm in control" face below, I just loved her!IMG_7064Portera-3 IMG_7081

I love the innocence and fervor of personality in the toddler years. Presley has so much personality that I know Casey and Brandon will look back on and cherish in these photographs.Portera-1IMG_7134IMG_7110 IMG_7123 Casey, Brandon, and Presley, I had an absolute blast playing and learning the sweet dynamic of your family, and moreso, documenting these sweet moments. I can only hope to document more of you in the future!







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Latiolais Family - We Got Chased by a Cow, Y'all

Leah and Jason met here working at Global Wildlife while still finishing up their degrees. From swimming in the pond after work, other countless cherished memories--including their engagement, wedding reception, and frequent visits back now with their sweet Jacques, this place holds quite a majestic feeling for them. After spending time with them here, I completely understood why. Watching them know the place forwards and backwards and thinking of the memories they've created here, I realized how truly beautiful it was that their first real photo session with Jacques should be documented at this very place.

This session truly put the meaning in Lifestyle Photography and it was SO much fun. Because both Jason and Leah worked here for so long, we got to go on a private excursion, led by Jason, to stop and let Jacques encounter all of mommy and daddy's favorite animals. It was kind of exhilarating for the super girly girl I am. I mean, how often do you get chased by a giant cow...with giant horns...while photographing people? Don't worry, we made it in the vehicle before he really started running. (;


My goodness, those golden locks and bright eyes--so beautiful, baby boy. And I must say, the tiny tantrum below was the most adorable tiny tantrum I've ever seen. IMG_6081Latiolais-3IMG_6164IMG_6092

IMG_6014The giraffes were probably the coolest for me. They were so giant, so close, and so sweet. They just stuck their heads right on in the truck with us and had a little snack... IMG_6043 IMG_6062 IMG_6067

Leah's favorite was the llama, but I'm not sure that Jacques agreed. (;IMG_6169IMG_6229IMG_6232 IMG_6182 IMG_6184 IMG_6198 IMG_6215 Latiolais-1 IMG_6251 Leah and Jason, this was truly an exciting and beautiful experience for me. Thank you for allowing me to see and document such a large part of what made up the beginnings of your beautiful little family, and of what matters most to you.





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Callie {Senior 2014}

When Callie walked up to me and said, "I'm not very good in front of the camera," I wanted to very politely laugh in her face. Because firstly, I don't think anyone is truly awful in front of the camera, it just takes the right cues to get natural feelings flowing. But secondly, geesh, look at her...

I don't generally go for oranges and bright colors in sessions, but when we started brainstorming outfits and she mentioned this dress, I almost fell out onto the floor in excitement. Natural and earthy is what she brought me, and oh, they're my most favorite. I hope you enjoy every bit of her earthy senior goodness. I'm pretty sure these should be in a magazine.

IMG_4622Callie-5Callie-6IMG_4587Callie-7IMG_4607IMG_4601Callie-8IMG_4647Callie-10Callie-9IMG_4699IMG_4712 IMG_4700

We switched it up and threw some cozy into the mix. You know this is my other favorite...IMG_4557 IMG_4552Callie-1 IMG_4541Callie-3IMG_4492Callie-2 IMG_4504 Callie-4 Callie, I love your gentle aura and the soft, yet quirky nature you have about you. To another one of my precious, breathtaking seniors, I wish you every ounce of the best luck, love, and success.










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Another Sweet Franklin has Arrived!

In addition to it just simply being the most wonderful time of the year, my heart gets so full with the enormous amounts of love captured in Lifestyle Sessions this time of year. You may remember The Franklins from their family collection we did just before Josephine made her arrival, well now, we have the completion of their family...for this year. (;

Vickie loves being pregnant and is so very natural at being a mother, both of which she wears quite well. Josephine is the third beautiful addition to this giant-hearted family I'm grateful to call close friends. As you know, I love mother and child interaction in photographs. It speaks for itself, more powerful words than I could ever convey...

IMG_3315 Josephine-3IMG_3298Josephine is Vickie's third all natural birth, and this time, at home--in a tub, in her bedroom, with her two girls and her husband right by her side. I can't even imagine the peace and beauty in that.


I love these photographs of Vickie and her three girls so much. They are such timeless heirlooms in their family history--a time that she will look back on someday, of when all of her babies were small, when they loved unconditionally, when they snuck into her bed in the middle of the night, when they needed her for everything. I'm not a mother yet, but I know, this is a time of love and satiety every mother wishes she could bottle up and save forever.

IMG_3331IMG_3375IMG_3358Birth order truly intrigues me. My friends and I discuss the quirks of it often. The first child tendencies, the second child tendencies, the toss up of the third, and so on. I'm a textbook first child and my sister is a textbook second, so it thoroughly intrigues me to observe this in other families. I love the spunk of the second child--the rebel, the mischief maker, the big, guarded heart, and the one that keeps everyone laughing. I love it. And I especially love it in Sofia in these photographs. (:

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This session and this family is special to me in so very many ways. I hope it fills your heart as it did mine this holiday season. Now, go show this week who's boss!








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The Beards

With it being a time of thanksgiving, it's only appropriate that I should be blogging these two today. Perhaps they look familiar to you from their surprise wedding we photographed this past March or from my personal posts if you follow me on Instagram. You see, Connie was my bride. Mind you, I had never met her before she approached me about booking, but well, she's been the biggest gleam of sunshine in my life ever since. I knew from the moment I met her, like I do often times with people of her good nature, that she had a heart of gold and a optimistic fervor for life. She and Mike have become best friends to Preston and I over the course of the year and I could not be more grateful for their genuine presence, every single day.

Oh hey! They're superbly stylish too! We know I have eyes for photographs that look like they came straight out of a Jcrew or Banana Republic catalog, and well, here you go. (:


Hehe, this is Little Miss Riley. She's a dainty lady. We've dogsat her before and it was grand. That was before I had a monster of a fluffy puppy thinking everything as little as Miss Riley is a toy at his own personal service. Err...


This was one of my favorite photos from their session because umm, Connie has a little feisty streak that I love so dearly about her that Mike is always keeping in balance. It's quite a fun dynamic to be around.


Connie threw on a flannel shirt over her lace dress for the second half of the session and I LOVE the whole different vibe it brought...

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 Connie and Mike, you two have truly become better friends than I ever could have imagined. I cherish your good nature, giant hearts, and love of good food every single day. I cannot wait for so many more adventures with you.








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Brou/Norton Family

All grown up, even my baby sister, is a bit of a strange sight to see in photographs. Strange, but beautiful. Thinking of growing up with sisters, of the fights over clothing, the bribes to switch outfits, the pulling of hair, the moments when cuddling is ok--the moments of growing up. Lovely.

We recently did a little Fall session with my parents and sisters, and I must say, I'm loving the warm hues and the strange feeling of seeing my family on camera. (; Ah, just look at my baby sister, not looking like a baby at all...








As I've grown a little, I've learned the beauty in embracing stages of life--of seeing the growth from where those surrounding have come from and where they'll go, and of just embracing the now. It's so interesting to look at this next photo, knowing that in a few years we will probably look back on it and think of how different our family was.


And these two, answering every phone call I had with questions as I was building our new house and doing all sorts of new grown up things. And if you haven't been following me and didn't know, not only are they talented at making girls, but also at building and refurbishing things. They've done countless projects for me, including this freaking awesome office shelving. They are beautiful.

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This is Shelli, she's our quirky middle child. Can you tell?



So, in the spirit of embracing seasons, I'll attempt to embrace this 75 degree, extremely humid "Fall" weather here in Louisiana. Happy Friday, friends!








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Kaylyn {Senior 2014}

I must say, I totally join the masses when it comes to being a lover of all things Fall and Winter. Crunchy leaves, classy and cozy sweaters, good hair days, leggings, boots, and scarves. I'm sure some of you are tired of hearing of these things already, but, don't be a scrooge -- it's a lovely time of year! My sweet senior, Kaylyn, did her session on a perfect Fall day -- crunchy leaves on the ground, crisp air, the most perfect outfits and attitude. I always tend to post heavy on my field shots, but I can't help it, I'm a sucker for the gorgeous light and beautiful outfits fields bring about!

Kaylyn has a quiet spirit and light-hearted laugh that could brighten up any room. I think her quiet persona, around me at least, made my heart so full when she gave that big, beautiful smile and spurts of laughter. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, I never, ever get tired of photographs capturing a moment of a truly happy woman. It's a tough life, especially for girls as we grow older, to keep that beautiful radiance, strength, dignity, and optimism into adulthood--but I believe it's always there somewhere in a woman--a serving spirit and radiant soul. I believe it's important for women to see and understand the moving power behind the sight of a happy woman, especially if it's in her own self. So this is why a truly happy photograph of a woman will always be one of the most breathtaking things on this Earth to me.

Now, enough of that. Enjoy Kaylyn in all of her youthful radiance...

Kaylyn put on J'adore Lexie Couture's Flower Crown in a few shots and we had a little fun...

Then, we moved on to play in some crunchy leaves...

Kaylyn, it was truly a pleasure photographing you. I wish you nothing but happiness and success in your upcoming years...

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Lauren + Trey {engaged} - Part II

I just adore the class that these two exude and the sweet dynamic they share. In case you missed the first part of Lauren and Trey's session, you can check it out here. Now, if only I wouldn't be so antsy to see all of the fabulous planning Lauren has up her sleeve for October. Undoubtedly, it will be breathtaking.

For now, here's part two of their sweet engagement sesh...

Happy Friday!

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The Ducote Family

Oh my, hello Friday! Perhaps I'm a little partial, but this is my beautiful godchild, Isla. We've been doing sessions of my sweet girl all year now, but this is, by far, my favorite. All of the Fall colors, the dreamy field, the perfection in bold outfits are exactly what I had in mind when Amanda and I discussed the direction for this session. I don't generally go for bold colors often when helping clients style sessions, but Isla's bold berry colored outfit from Old Navy, along with her perfectly tiny brown boots were exactly what I envisioned paired with the dreamy field and Amanda's cream dress selection.

And as it always goes, the heart and soul in the mother-baby shots won the prize for my favorites...

I loved so many shots of Amanda and Isla, but this black and white was, by far, my favorite. Of all of the things I love to photograph, especially my couples in love, ultimately, the raw emotion between mother and child just trumps everything. Amanda is wearing my favorite piece by J'adore Lexie Couture, the flower crown. Oh my, swoon.

Second to mother-baby shots. There's nothing like a man in love with his baby. Seth is a wonderfully amazing husband and father. It's so crazy to me that my sweet Isla will be ONE already in January, crazy!!

Oh oh, happy Friday people! I hope for a beautifully relaxing weekend in your near future.

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Bethany + Chase {Engaged}

She's bubbly, he's chill and quiet. Friends for years and now planning to spend their lives together, Bethany and Chase wooed me full force during their session. Not only were they beautifully smitten with one another, but they were perfectly comfortable in front of the camera. In fact, they fell into place so naturally, it was almost as if I weren't even there -- just how I like it. (:

What I loved most about them was that even Chase was incredibly comfortable in front of the camera. But moreso, the interaction he had with Bethany that naturally unfolded from him taking the lead to make them both comfortable and natural, was so, so very beautiful to me. A man leading his lady so delicately is a beautiful thing. I adore these two so much.

I loved Bethany's low-back maxi with her soft curls. They both worked it! In fact, I told Chase I'll need to hire him to direct men for me at weddings. Kidding! But really...he was a pro.

There's little in life more beautiful to me than a happy woman. While, of course, happy people and general are great to be around, there's something specific about a woman. Every single time I capture photographs where I can tell, genuinely tell, that the woman in them is happy, content--that all is right in her world--I fell an immense feeling of satiety inside me.

Bethany and Chase, I absolutely cannot wait for our year of adventure and planning together. And what's more, I cannot wait to document you two becoming one next October. Stay beautiful, radiant, and in love always.




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Kenyetta {Senior 2014}

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”- Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go, always comes to mind as I meet a new year's seniors. Every year, actually more like every session, my seniors absolutely blow me out of the water. Eighteen years old, club presidents, cheerleading captains, top of their class, you name it. Gorgeous, ambitious, prepared. I always wonder as I'm editing their sessions, truly curious as to what great things they will go onto achieve--because I know they are destined for nothing less than that.

I had so much fun photographing Kenyetta. She was a sweet, kind soul. I could feel it in her aura from the second I met her. Kenyetta wore some of J'adore Lexie Couture's gorgeous headbands, and oh sweet goodness did they make her session!  And of course, since I've been on a fruit kick this Fall with my sessions, we decided for a basket of lemons with Lexie's Pumpkin Woods Headband. The warmth in these shots had me squealing with excitement. I can't even handle it...

Kenyetta also wore, my personal favorite, the J'adore Lexie Couture Le Halo Angélique, Flower Crown. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a special giveaway from J'adore Lexie Couture on here!

Kenyetta, I know you will to great things. Keep that sweet glimmer in your eyes and that gentle persona. You are a beautiful soul!  Happy Friday!


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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

The Cefalu Family

With all that is sweet, creamy, and classy, this little family stole my heart. The second Abby walked out in her lace dress paired with Ellis' white smock, I knew we were set up for success. In the small amount of time I spent with the three of them, I could feel Abby's sweet, gentle disposition, Ellis' curious toddler nature, and Bill's easy-going personality.

Look at this sweet girl. It must be something about the little girls named Ellis that I photograph, they are just some sweet, classy baby girls. And as it forever and always goes, the mother-baby shots got me, once again. The gentle aura of a woman and the sparkle her baby brings to her eyes will always be one of the most beautiful stories I could ever have the pleasure of documenting.

As if they weren't cool enough, we added their sweet pup Bella in at the end of their session -- and even she was a pro behind the camera! I even managed a few model poses of Bella before we wrapped it up.

Abby, Bill, and Ellis, I could not be more grateful that you requested me to to document this time in your sweet new family's life. You guys are all things beautiful.

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Laced, Smocked, and Creams

If you've never done a session with me, you may not know the praises I sing for laces and cream colors in photographs. The soft touch they add gets me every time. For all sessions, during our consultation process, I always recommend soft colors and creams. All photographers may not do this, but for me, I've found it matches distinctly with the style of my sessions, and also adds a soft, feminine look for women.

Here's a peek of perfection from this sweet family I photographed recently -- Abby, Ellis, and Bill. Yay for another little girl named Ellis to photograph! And Abby's lace dress, oh my word, swoon...

Stay tuned for a full post of their session on Monday!

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