Fall Promo + Senior 2014 Peek!

Oh happy day! I'm a sucker for Fall and all of its cozy goodness. To ring in October, I've decided to offer a little promo. Feel free to SHARE this photo with anyone you think that might be interested! $50 OFF COLLECTION BOOKINGS! Check the photo below for details. Fall books up super quickly as it is, so take advantage of this offer to secure your spot. I will be accepting sessions in time for Christmas and Christmas card printing thru November 21st!

And to get you hyped for the beginning of my seniors I adore so very much, here's a peek at Bailey's session! Stay tuned for her full blog posting and more from her session next week!

Have a happy, safe weekend! I'm off to one full of baby showers to welcome some sweet little ones into the world soon! I told you all of my friends were expecting. (;


Meet My Second Shooter...


Rebecca {Maternity}