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Sarah Jane | Senior 2015: Louisiana Senior Photography

"You have brains in your head.You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself  any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go. 2015-03-03_0006


You'll look up and down streets. Look 'em over with care. About some you will say, "I don't choose to go there." With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet,  you're too smart to go down any not-so-good street.


And you may not find any you'll want to go down. In that case, of course, you'll head straight out of town.

It's opener there in the wide open air.

Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you.


And then things start to happen, don't worry. Don't stew. Just go right along. You'll start happening too.

Oh! The places you'll go."

2015-03-03_0002 2015-03-03_0005You probably recognize those words, as they so very evidently are not my own. Dr. Seuss' "Oh! The Places You'll Go!" gets me every single year. Not just for my beautiful, bright-eyed seniors, but in general. I learned of this book when I was in high school and frequently revisit the words written by the Dr. himself. So painstakingly accurate to this beautiful life we live and the choices we have the free will to make, constantly. 2015-03-03_0013 2015-03-03_0014

Sweet Sarah Jane, I have no doubt that you will conquer great things in the places you'll go.2015-03-03_0015 2015-03-03_0018







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Shelbie: Part II | Senior 2015: Louisiana Senior Photography

Giggles. I love when girls get the giggles. Dancing in the street, giggles, and bouncy curls, I cannot think of much more perfectly girly. And we know I like some girly. Skirts, heels, and sparkles--I'm pretty sure Shelbie and I would get along just fine hanging out for the weekend.2014-11-12_0002 2014-11-12_0004 2014-11-12_0003 2014-11-12_0001She chose this deep winter burgundy for two of her four outfits, and I just love the soft and appropriate statement it made.2014-11-12_0005 2014-11-12_0007 2014-11-12_0008 Shelbie, thank you so much for allowing me to document your glowing aura and your contagious laugh.



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What I Wore: White After Labor Day

Just go ahead and call me a rule breaker. I like it. One thing I've been embracing this early Fall is throwing the "no white after Labor Day" rule right out of the window. Mix it with some Fall-esque patterns and colors and voila, you've got yourself an outfit that breaks the rules and doesn't give a damn.

One of the girls I met in Charleston snapped a few of me in my white bells and plaid as we were exploring the town.2014-10-07_0001

Heather Grey Tank: Abercrombie

Plaid Shirt: Forever 21

White Pant: Loft

Espadrille Wedges: Forever 21

Crossbody Saddle-style Purse: H&M 2014-10-07_0002

I wish you all of the courage to break the so-called "rules" this Fall as well. Happy Tuesday, friends!


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Macey {Senior 2014}

Meet Macey. She's a timid personality that came out with her soft, sweet features through my camera. Oh, and maybe I'm just crazy with my celebrity look-alike brain now, but I think she looks strikingly similar to Anne Hathaway. But hey, if I looked like Anne Hathaway, I'd let someone tell me that all day long. (:

Since it's just a few days before Easter, Macey's soft lavendar clothing choice for her field shots were quite appropriate to post, I felt. Pastels mixed with pretty light make for such perfect, ethereal photographs.

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She had three outfits, two of which I've highlighted in this post. I really loved her black dress with a heart cutout in the back, also. And our super ninja nook we found in a very public place. You can't even tell. (:IMG_4072-EditMacey-2Macey-3IMG_4105Macey-1IMG_3974

Macey, you are just stunning. I wish you nothing but the best of luck! Happy Easter, my friends!


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Emma {Senior 2014}

I love people. That's a broad statement, I know. But I just love the intricacies of different personalities, and different styles, and just what makes a person who they are. Maybe this is why I just have this urge to be friends with almost everyone I meet. I'd like to think it's a good quality, but sometimes I'm not sure! (:

I especially love when we draw the personality of each of my seniors out in a session. Some are timid, some are straight model with their serious face (which I look upon their serious abilities enviously), and some are like me and giggles are the most natural. That's Emma. Emma's personality can light up a room. Her smile and modestly sweet persona just draws you in and makes you wanna give her a big bear hug.


Emma had three outfits for her session, but only two are pictured in this post. The other is for the online store of her parents' company, Louisiana Sportsman. If you're from Louisiana, chances are you've seen their stuff. But if not, you can check out some of their nifty apparel hereIMG_3513 Emma-3IMG_3506

See what I mean? That smile just makes you SO HAPPY. Emma-5Emma-4IMG_3596Emma wanted to take advantage of the gorgeous field of yellow flowers right next to us that just screamed Spring. So, we had more fun with her surplus of smiles in that direction. (: Emma-6IMG_3651IMG_3714 Emma-7 IMG_3685

Emma, you are a beautiful little light. Never lose that little light and big smile. Thank you for the opportunity to photograph you. I know you will be great next year with your big move!













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Madison {Senior 2014}

I have had an influx of the most bubbly, big ol' smiln' senior girls lately and I love it. If you know me personally, you know I'm a pretty bubbly person. So, when I'm surrounded by other bubblies, it's just such a bright experience. Madison was one of my most recent senior girls who just captured my heart with her big smile and even bigger heart. Madison, her mom, her sister, and I tra-la-la'd through the streets just laughing away, finding the most perfect nooks and crannies. I love downtown streets, there are so many hidden treasures among them.

The feel of Spring color was all around for Madison's session--er, except for the actual feeling, which was unusually chilly for it being almost April in Louisiana. But we slipped in this college town's favorite little coffee shop, grabbed some hot tea and hot chocolate, and warmed up a little before continuing our venture to make it look as if it was 70 degrees and blue skies. We talked and laughed so much though, that I'm not sure we noticed the chill that much.


I'm just in love with the soft colors and overall feel we achieved from this look. Truth is, field shots are usually my favorite, but these were my favorites from Madison's sesh. I feel editorial, soft, and perfect emotion when I look at them.Madison-3

Then, we found another nook. Nooks are fun--like little, sneaky adventures. (:IMG_3096Madison-2 IMG_3121Madison-1

We ended, as you know by now how, next to a field of course, and well, just look. It's April and that means blooms are everywhere. We found a field that was completely covered in yellow flowers. The bokeh from my lens made it look like the perfect soft yellow blur paired with Madison's golden locks and pale yellow shirt. Oh, and her smile. (:IMG_3272 Madison-6IMG_3256IMG_3239Madison, you are such a bright light. I left your session all smiles from that sweet, bubbly personality you possess. Never let anyone dull that sparkle of yours baby cakes, it's a beautiful thing.

And Happy Thursday, my friends! It's almost the freakin' weekend. We have some of our best friends coming stay with us AND doing an early birthday celebration for P. I hope yours is just as lovely.










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Bailey {Senior 2014}

It's Friday and senior season, so naturally, I thought ending the week with another one of my classy and sassy seniors was the way to go. This time, with Miss Bailey and her timid and ever-so-sweet personality. Bailey's mom found me from the Blanchard family I photographed just before Christmas, and if you haven't seen their session, you can hop on over and view it here. Their little family was just picture perfect. Just like Bailey.

She chose to keep her session classic with all whites and creams, which is pretty much always a great option in my book. She jazzed it up slightly with some gold accessories and a floppy hat at the end, but nothing crazy--which I'm always ok with. Classic, you see, never goes out of style. (:

The deep colors around her seemed to be extra saturated and boldly gorgeous in the midst of that overcast day. I really, really love the deep colors and the way it brought out Bailey's best features.

IMG_2947Bailey-4 IMG_2954

This one below gives me a little Banana Republic feel, and I love it. IMG_3003Bailey-1IMG_2993 Bailey-3IMG_2881Bailey-2Bailey, thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph you. Your timeless style and personality is stunning, and will take you great places in life. Stay classy. (:










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North Cypress Member Perks

I've had a few minimum wage-esque jobs in high school and college, most of which were at gyms, coffee shops, or heck, even coffee shops IN gyms. I'll tell you, there's something about working in both of these atmospheres that just brightens your day--or it did for me, at least. I loved the spirit of uplifting people I met in both of these places so much, that I always say someday, perhaps when I retire, I'll go back and work in a gym or a coffee shop--just for the sake of meeting bright and beautiful people. Perhaps its the good endorphins flowing and the routine-oriented people that frequent these places, I don't know. But I'll tell you, they're a bunch of happy humans.

Health and wellness are a pretty big deal to me. I think caring for your body and fueling it for success and longevity is one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself. It invigorates the mind, as well as the physical body, it breeds an environment of goals, and it paves the way for personal achievement. We've been members of our particular gym for a few years now, and I'll tell you, the faces we come to see every day there, just become sort of like an uplifting family.

Well, it turns out, our already AWESOME gym is in the process of a $3 million dollar expansion. Yep, you read that right. A fabulous club that already has a sauna, outdoor pool, tons of group exercise class offerings, a bistro, a salon, and childcare is now expanding EVEN MORE. Part of their expansion will include larger group exercise rooms, tons of new equipment, a sports complex, a private poolside party room, and some pretty cool new training concepts. The best part? Our monthly membership is EXTREMELY affordable. If you're local and want to read more about the expansion, you can do so here.

Anyhow, what's the point of me telling you this on my photography blog? Well, I'll tell you. (: As part of their new expansion and courtesy to members, new and old, North Cypress is partnering with a few local businesses to provide savings exclusively for North Cypress members. I'm so thrilled to announce that I've decided to partner with them for the upcoming year! SO, if you're a member or thinking about becoming a member, feel free to contact me or the club for more information on these sweet deals exclusive to YOU. I'm so looking forward to meeting you and expanding Kali Norton Photography with these offerings this year!

RESIZE North Cypress BLOG

And if you are a local and would like to meet me and see more of my work in person, I will be at Imagine Boutique in downtown Hammond next Friday, April 4th from 6pm til 10pm for Art in April.  Our little town is so great at putting on events to celebrate art and local business, all with the most festive atmosphere. So come stop by, browse Imagine Boutique's PERFECT new Spring arrivals, and have a glass of bubbly with me! I'd love to meet you!


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Patrick {Senior 2014}...and a Favorite Quote, as of Late.

You know, I thought that I was more of a Winter-loving person, but it turns out, I think I'm just a lover of the seasons changing. As these little Winter storms are becoming more and more sparse, I've been so giddy at the thought of blooming flowers and days where I can wear shorts. It was even warm enough to lay out a few Saturdays ago. The change of seasons is refreshing--something to look forward to, if you will.

I came across this quote a few months ago, and oh, how it resonated with me on so many levels. In addition to being a lover of Camus' work, this quote just spoke to my soul when my soul needed speaking to...

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer." -Albert Camus

One day, I'll share more personally about how this quote has spoken to me. But for now, I hope that just its mere introduction into your life today might give you some hope if you're needing it. Some strength to know that there's an invincible summer coming from those battles life may be throwing at you. Because you see, you should never forget the beauty life begs to bring from breakdown. Ah, there is SO much beauty in breakdown, my friends.

In addition to loving this quote, the ever-fabulous Chelsea Petaja of Oh My Deer makes the most perfect soul-speaking art prints from quotes in classic literature, among other beautiful things. Here's her fabulous art print (photo credit from her site) that I've been dreaming of for my living room wall since before Christmas...


You should most certainly go check her work out. I'm just dying for a few of her prints to construct the "Us" wall in my house--complete with vintage comics, nerdy posters, and artful quotations of literature. Oh, you just wait. (:

And because every post is better with some actual pictures, here's one of my super awesome seniors, Patrick. He was SO much fun to work with and get to know and absolutely comfortable in front of the camera. We had such a fun little afternoon strolling the streets downtown. Patrick has great taste. In fact, his shoes had me itching to head to the store to get Preston some new kicks...

Patrick-1IMG_2000 Patrick-2

Patrick, thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph you. It was a pleasure getting to know you! I wish you the absolute best next year into your beginning adventures into adulthood.


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Mia {Senior 2014}

I know I say it so much that it probably sounds like nothing more than a broken record at this point, but I truly, truly enjoy every minute of the experience of photographing my high school seniors. You see, I've finally reached the point where I'm not inundated with more sessions than I can handle or stressed editing a session that doesn't match my style and feel of photography; but instead, I'm at a point where nearly every single person who has booked with me in the past year shares a desire for a style and vision similar to my own. They approach me with trust--and more importantly, with a vision that we execute together, as a team. And this, my friends, means SO much more to me than being overly booked and overly busy.

This, for me, means...more attention to each individual.

This, for me, means...more quality, less quantity.

This, for me, means...actually getting to experience what makes a senior, a family, a couple, who they are.

This, for me, means...creating a personal experience with each client, rather than a checklist of tasks.

This, for me, means...time to breathe--for living, experiencing, and documenting life; NOT being so busy that I miss the beautiful parts of life my clients, friends, and experiences have to show me.

This, for me, means...the reason I started my business in the first place.

I'll let you in on a  little secret. I've actually been suuuuper discouraged about some business goals lately. I was just sort of feeling like no matter how far I have come, I still have SO far to go. This is something I tend to do in all areas of my life. Looking at how far others have come, both personally and professionally, and digging out the ugly comparison monster. Sound familiar? I know it does. (:

I'm far from where I dream to be, and in fact, still have so so very many steps left to get there; but after taking a breather and stepping back to realize the gift it is to so pleasantly experience beautiful, radiant seniors like Miss Mia here, I've realized that I am right where I want to be--ever learning, ever changing, and most importantly, ever growing.

So, without further sappy ado from Queen Emotion here, please enjoy sweet Mia. This girl is genuine y'all. A heart of gold...and yet another wardrobe that I'd just like to duplicate for myself. ESPECIALLY that Abercrombie scarf and those Steve Madden boots below. (:Mia-2IMG_2250Mia-3IMG_2279

Mia's persona was calm and inviting. She exuded a warmth that said so much about her character, without saying anything at all. Mia, her mom, and I had an absolutely pleasurable time full of giggles and great conversation during her session.IMG_2346Mia-1IMG_2359


Mia, you were a graceful and welcomed pleasure to photograph. Keep that warmth and big heart always. I know such great things lie ahead for you!







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The 2013 Portrait Favorites

Whew, what a year of growth and self-exploration 2013 was for both me personally and my business. Since the holidays are over and I refuse to let the post-Christmas blues get me down, I've decided to start a yearly tradition in which YOU get to vote on YOUR favorite portraits of 2013! The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to Gap, Jcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Most of these are from my 2013 portrait sessions, with the exception of a couple from 2012 that I just couldn't not include, since I've never done a giveaway of favorites before. Also, because my favorite portraits are the ones heavy on emotion, I've converted them into black and white. While I love a color portrait, I believe that the black and white allows you to fully observe the beauty of emotion I was trying to capture in each photograph. Here's how it will work: To vote, simply state your favorite of the twenty listed in the comments at the bottom of the post, that's it! 

One vote is allowed per reader; however, you may share the post and get as much friends and family to vote as you'd like! The contest starts today and goes through this Wednesday, January 8th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Thursday's blog post.

Disclaimer: This does not include my weddings, so if you were one of my brides, don't feel left out, I've just decided that weddings did not belong in this category. Instead, I think I may do a summer giveaway especially for brides in the future.

1. Waller - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5908

2. Dunckleman - Lifestyle PortraitIMG_5261

3. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_3501

4. Callie - Senior Lifestyle PortraitIMG_4697

5. Nelson - Lifestyle Engagement PortraitIMG_1694

6. Kaylyn - Lifestyle Senior PortraitIMG_2560

7. Rebecca - Lifestyle Maternity PortraitIMG_5930

8. Franklin - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5444

9. Waguespack - Lifestyle Engagement Portrait


10. Ducote - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1141

11. Fabre - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1918

12. Franklin - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_3315

13. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_3711

14. Dunckleman - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_5213

15. Bailey - Lifestyle Senior Potrait IMG_6245

16. Owen - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5629

17. Waller - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_5937

18. Cefalu - Lifestyle Family Portrait  IMG_8230

19. Harrison - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_1153

20. Minear - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_9255


To vote, simply enter YOUR favorite in the comments below. Contest ends at midnight on Wednesday, January 8th. The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to GapJcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Happy voting!










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Callie {Senior 2014}

When Callie walked up to me and said, "I'm not very good in front of the camera," I wanted to very politely laugh in her face. Because firstly, I don't think anyone is truly awful in front of the camera, it just takes the right cues to get natural feelings flowing. But secondly, geesh, look at her...

I don't generally go for oranges and bright colors in sessions, but when we started brainstorming outfits and she mentioned this dress, I almost fell out onto the floor in excitement. Natural and earthy is what she brought me, and oh, they're my most favorite. I hope you enjoy every bit of her earthy senior goodness. I'm pretty sure these should be in a magazine.

IMG_4622Callie-5Callie-6IMG_4587Callie-7IMG_4607IMG_4601Callie-8IMG_4647Callie-10Callie-9IMG_4699IMG_4712 IMG_4700

We switched it up and threw some cozy into the mix. You know this is my other favorite...IMG_4557 IMG_4552Callie-1 IMG_4541Callie-3IMG_4492Callie-2 IMG_4504 Callie-4 Callie, I love your gentle aura and the soft, yet quirky nature you have about you. To another one of my precious, breathtaking seniors, I wish you every ounce of the best luck, love, and success.










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Kaylyn {Senior 2014}

I must say, I totally join the masses when it comes to being a lover of all things Fall and Winter. Crunchy leaves, classy and cozy sweaters, good hair days, leggings, boots, and scarves. I'm sure some of you are tired of hearing of these things already, but, don't be a scrooge -- it's a lovely time of year! My sweet senior, Kaylyn, did her session on a perfect Fall day -- crunchy leaves on the ground, crisp air, the most perfect outfits and attitude. I always tend to post heavy on my field shots, but I can't help it, I'm a sucker for the gorgeous light and beautiful outfits fields bring about!

Kaylyn has a quiet spirit and light-hearted laugh that could brighten up any room. I think her quiet persona, around me at least, made my heart so full when she gave that big, beautiful smile and spurts of laughter. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, I never, ever get tired of photographs capturing a moment of a truly happy woman. It's a tough life, especially for girls as we grow older, to keep that beautiful radiance, strength, dignity, and optimism into adulthood--but I believe it's always there somewhere in a woman--a serving spirit and radiant soul. I believe it's important for women to see and understand the moving power behind the sight of a happy woman, especially if it's in her own self. So this is why a truly happy photograph of a woman will always be one of the most breathtaking things on this Earth to me.

Now, enough of that. Enjoy Kaylyn in all of her youthful radiance...

Kaylyn put on J'adore Lexie Couture's Flower Crown in a few shots and we had a little fun...

Then, we moved on to play in some crunchy leaves...

Kaylyn, it was truly a pleasure photographing you. I wish you nothing but happiness and success in your upcoming years...

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Kenyetta {Senior 2014}

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”- Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go, always comes to mind as I meet a new year's seniors. Every year, actually more like every session, my seniors absolutely blow me out of the water. Eighteen years old, club presidents, cheerleading captains, top of their class, you name it. Gorgeous, ambitious, prepared. I always wonder as I'm editing their sessions, truly curious as to what great things they will go onto achieve--because I know they are destined for nothing less than that.

I had so much fun photographing Kenyetta. She was a sweet, kind soul. I could feel it in her aura from the second I met her. Kenyetta wore some of J'adore Lexie Couture's gorgeous headbands, and oh sweet goodness did they make her session!  And of course, since I've been on a fruit kick this Fall with my sessions, we decided for a basket of lemons with Lexie's Pumpkin Woods Headband. The warmth in these shots had me squealing with excitement. I can't even handle it...

Kenyetta also wore, my personal favorite, the J'adore Lexie Couture Le Halo Angélique, Flower Crown. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a special giveaway from J'adore Lexie Couture on here!

Kenyetta, I know you will to great things. Keep that sweet glimmer in your eyes and that gentle persona. You are a beautiful soul!  Happy Friday!


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Bailey {Senior 2014}

"Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room,Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home. Remember the footsteps, remember the words said And all your little brother's favorite songs."

Those are words from a Taylor Swift song, but, oh my sweet, beautiful, goal-driven seniors, remember them. You're ready to move onto the next chapter of your life, I know you are -- and rightfully so. Your college years are a great, exciting new adventure. These years ahead will open your mind and your heart to places they've never been. You will meet people from all places and walks of life. Some will befriend you, many will teach you, some will be parts of some of the most memorable nights of your life, and then others will let you down. These years will be ones of exponential growth. You're headed for the beginnings of your walk into adulthood, and when you're done with the next four years, you will look back and see just what I meant when these words were written.

Every year I have a few seniors that I truly see small bits and pieces of my high school self in. Bailey's drive in school and extracurriculars and her bubbly personality were just that. On the other hand though, I did NOT have her style in high school. I'm not even old, at all, but for some reason I feel like the seriously rockin' styles my seniors come to the table with now just weren't nearly as awesome...or maybe I was totally out of the fashion loop. Ew, let's not dwell there.

Let's dwell on Bailey's earthy crochet-style dress that I need as a wardrobe addition and the to-die-for light in her field shots...

Hats and pearls will forever remain classy to me and tans and blacks do far too much for my soul. My mom used to fuss me when I was little because she claimed I only had grays, blacks, whites, and tans in my wardrobe. This still remains about 70% true and I'm not mad about it. Sorry momma! I just think they're such classy, earthy colors.

Bailey, and my many sweet seniors that will leave an imprint on me this year -- savor these moments. Enjoy the experiences ahead, and never, ever lose that beautiful drive that exists in you now. It will get you many places in life. It will be your intuition and your guiding light when adult things begin to muddle your sparkle. It will be your satisfaction at the end of countless hours and days of studying or working towards some huge, scary goal. It will be much of what's left in you when those you count on let you down. And somewhere among the muddle when all of these things happen, you will remember your drive. You will remember the strong, beautiful woman your momma, your daddy, your grandma, your teachers, your mentors helped you become in those definitive years of your childhood. Never let anyone dull that beautiful sparkle!

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Fall Promo + Senior 2014 Peek!

Oh happy day! I'm a sucker for Fall and all of its cozy goodness. To ring in October, I've decided to offer a little promo. Feel free to SHARE this photo with anyone you think that might be interested! $50 OFF COLLECTION BOOKINGS! Check the photo below for details. Fall books up super quickly as it is, so take advantage of this offer to secure your spot. I will be accepting sessions in time for Christmas and Christmas card printing thru November 21st!

And to get you hyped for the beginning of my seniors I adore so very much, here's a peek at Bailey's session! Stay tuned for her full blog posting and more from her session next week!

Have a happy, safe weekend! I'm off to one full of baby showers to welcome some sweet little ones into the world soon! I told you all of my friends were expecting. (;

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Erin {Senior 2013}

There are certain people in this world--and I know them instantly every time I meet them--that just simply have so much sunshine in their soul. It radiates to those around them, just simply by being in their presence. Whether they are clients or friends (or both), these people always leave a happy mark on my heart. Their beautiful, radiant existence just makes the world a brighter place.

Meet Erin. Erin is one of these people. Just from looking at her photos, I see the light in her eyes and love for all things surrounding her. I've known Erin for years, but hadn't seen her in probably almost ten years before we did her senior session. Seeing the beautiful, intelligent, strong leader she has become made my heart smile.

We did Erin's session in the Fall, and oh, how I'm a sucker for the brown leaves on the ground! Seeing them in photos gives me the same feeling as a Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice latte.

Erin brought her pup to the session. After getting Chewie this past February and learning what it's like to love an animal, these pictures of the two of them just pull at my freaking heart strings. And now I'm itching to do a session with Chewie. (;

Erin, you have grown up to be an absolutely radiant young lady. I have not one doubt that you will be so successful at all that you do. Thank you for allowing me to document such a monumental time in life, as you start your steps out into the adult world.

And just a last little reminder for all of my new, 2014 Seniors--TODAY is the last day to secure a date for your earlybird senior session and receive the promo offer! Here's the promo, in case you missed it:

Happy Wednesday, my friends!

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Taylor {Senior 2013}

Still celebrating my 2013 Seniors over here and ringing in welcomes for my 2014s! It's been so exciting emailing and planning with those who have taken advantage of the July Promo already, and SUPER excited for meeting new ones! If you are a Senior this year and want to take advantage, you still have until next Wednesday, July 31st to snag the sweet little deal. I cannot wait to hear from you. (:

In celebration, here's another one of my favorite sessions from last year. Taylor's porcelain skin made for the most beautiful glow. Which reminds me of a little tip for ladies that I'll be posting more about soon...STAY AWAY FROM THE TANNING BEDS before photo sessions. They might give you a tan you're loving during the summer months, but tanning bed color doesn't do the skin many favors when it comes to photographs. It makes for uneven, less-than-natural skin tones. Nobody wants that, right? I'll talk more about this and other pre-session tips for ladies in a blog post next week.

Taylor was up for anything, which I love! Complete trust in me with styling will truly let the most natural photographs come out. Taylor has a sweet, quiet personality -- soft and inviting was her aura. And this rustic field at sunset, well, you know how I feel about fields at sunset...

Did I mention Taylor is a dancer? She's got some of the prettiest lines in her moves. We decided to incorporate that into some of her shots, in her dainty white dress. Oh, I love these shots. I also love that she will be able to show her kids one day all of her mad dance skill.

Taylor, you will do great things. I know it.

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Alexis {Senior 2013}

In lieu of the FAB senior offer available for 2014 Seniors who book during the month of July (which you can read about HERE, if you haven't already), I'm doing lots of tributes to my breathtaking 2013 Seniors. This group stole my heart. Here's some of my favorite shots from Alexis' session. Her session was the perfect mix of classy, Southern, with a little hint of some saucy vintage. It's always hard for me to pick favorite images from sessions, because I end up with about twenty "favorites," but I think these first few with her TO-DIE-FOR cream lace dress took the cake for me. Her natural expression mixed with the lighting and locale made me feel like I was looking through the JCrew Style lookbook. Since I have a small obsession with JCrew and their fabulous ability to create both timeless style and branding, this was a win for me. And I mean, of course the complete obvious that Alexis is no foe to the camera...

We ended Alexis' session in her dad's very own perfectly polished Thunderbird. I felt like the cast of Grease was going to come out at any time and we would all start singing "Summer Nights." Ok, not really. But I was in awe of the timeless class this vintage-inspired shoot brought. Anyone who knows me knows I work best with a little vintage in my life once in a while.My 2013 Seniors were beyond fabulous. Heck, my seniors always are. They remind me that I better keep my style on point and just how beautiful each and every one of these young women are. No discrimination though, my camera totally works on boys too! Happy Wednesday, my friends!

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