Erin {Senior 2013}

There are certain people in this world--and I know them instantly every time I meet them--that just simply have so much sunshine in their soul. It radiates to those around them, just simply by being in their presence. Whether they are clients or friends (or both), these people always leave a happy mark on my heart. Their beautiful, radiant existence just makes the world a brighter place.

Meet Erin. Erin is one of these people. Just from looking at her photos, I see the light in her eyes and love for all things surrounding her. I've known Erin for years, but hadn't seen her in probably almost ten years before we did her senior session. Seeing the beautiful, intelligent, strong leader she has become made my heart smile.

We did Erin's session in the Fall, and oh, how I'm a sucker for the brown leaves on the ground! Seeing them in photos gives me the same feeling as a Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice latte.

Erin brought her pup to the session. After getting Chewie this past February and learning what it's like to love an animal, these pictures of the two of them just pull at my freaking heart strings. And now I'm itching to do a session with Chewie. (;

Erin, you have grown up to be an absolutely radiant young lady. I have not one doubt that you will be so successful at all that you do. Thank you for allowing me to document such a monumental time in life, as you start your steps out into the adult world.

And just a last little reminder for all of my new, 2014 Seniors--TODAY is the last day to secure a date for your earlybird senior session and receive the promo offer! Here's the promo, in case you missed it:

Happy Wednesday, my friends!


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