Birth Photography, Children, Families Kali Norton Birth Photography, Children, Families Kali Norton

Demi | Baton Rouge Birth + Motherhood Photography

Demi's birth day was full of beautiful human connection, support, and love.  As Duston held Deirdre's hand through every painful contraction and kissed her forehead every-so-often for supporting reassurance, I found myself watching from the other side of the room with the most content grin painted on my face.  

I hope you enjoy a glimpse into some of the intense, quiet, and love-filled moments captured during Demi's first few days in this world...

“If time has taught me anything, it’s that our differences are what makes this life unique.  None of us are exactly like the other, and that is a good thing because there’s no right way to be.  The room mom, the working mother, the woman without children, the retired grandma, the mom who co-sleeps, the mama who bottle -fed her baby, the strict mom, the hipster mom, the one who lets her kid go shoeless, or the one who enrolls her baby in music enrichment classes at birth--whoever, whatever, you are, you’re adding spice and texture and nuance into this big beautiful soup of modern-day parenting.”

Girl, Wash Your Face - Rachel Hollis

I could sit here and blab in a multitude of pieced together words about the scope of emotion I've felt over the past few months, learning so much about myself, life, love, family, and entrepreneurship, but no words could truly articulate how overwhelmingly beautiful the learning experience has been. 

Demi's birth day was full of beautiful human connection, support, and love.  As Duston held Deirdre's hand through every painful contraction and kissed her forehead every-so-often for supporting reassurance, I found myself watching from the other side of the room with the most content grin painted on my face.  There's something about the various ways that partners show support for one another during births that sends a reminder to the core of what life's about.  Similar to the ethereal feeling that comes over me when couples recite custom-written vows to one another, it's just one of those moments where I feel like I have to pinch myself and ask if it's real life that I make my living documenting moments that make people feel in such monumental ways.  I could not be happier than to be where I am right now, in this moment.

I hope you enjoy a glimpse into some of the intense, quiet, and love-filled moments captured during Demi's first few days in this world...

Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
Baton Rouge Birth Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
Baton Rouge Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
New Orleans Newborn Photography
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These are the Good Days | Hammond Farmer's Market Lifestyle Session: Hammond Family Photographer

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things - they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

I've quoted this wildly popular quote from Steve Jobs before on my blog, and undoubtedly, this isn't the first time you've read it. Nonetheless, since the first time I came across it many years ago, it's always stood out as a beautiful mantra to me. If you asked my mother, she'd tell you that from the time I could speak I was always set on doing things in my own imaginative way. From clothing shopping to the way I wished my room decor to be, even before those treacherous pre-teen years, I had a vision for certain things and didn't let the opinions of others sway me from attacking my oftentimes out-of-the-box visions. When I've come across other imaginative, creative, independent-thinking souls throughout life, I always gravitate to them, so intrigued by their wildly beautiful minds. Shiloh is one of these people.

I'm sure you remember her from this session earlier this year, but if you missed that one, it's hands-down one of my favorites. As always, Shiloh brought her creative A-game when it came to the vision she wanted us to execute for Keane's one-year photos.

Shiloh's husband Daniel is a baseball coach for the university here, so he's often times working Saturday mornings during baseball season and traveling for recruiting. Shiloh and Keane have made Saturday morning traditions visiting the Farmer's Market in our cozy little town, so we thought it to be a perfect way to start out our morning session! My Saturday mornings off are also often spent going to yoga, followed by a trip to the Farmer's Market as well, so it was quite a treat!

Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr

Keane doesn't meet a stranger. Those two tiny front teeth, baby blues, and big smiles scored him all of the yummy samples.

Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr

After the Farmer's Market, we strolled down the street with breakfast in-hand for a little more fun. Keane was batting those crystal blue eyes and giving me the biggest smiles, so I was soaking in every bit of it.

Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr

I mentioned Keane is a social butterfly. When he saw his friend and local business owner, Mr. Benny, passing in his new car with the windows rolled down, he took it upon himself to send some friendly waves. This boy...

Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr

This town may be small, but it has some hidden gems that leave my little artistic heart thumping. Shiloh has begged me to execute some sort of laundromat shoot with her for years, so when my sweet, talented photographer friend Catherine came across this funky one, we had to pop in.

Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr

Don't worry, Keane didn't stop making sweet eyes and giggles to entertain everyone when they moved their clothes over to the tumble cycle.

Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr
Keane 1yr

Interested in an organic, fun lifestyle portrait session of you and your loved ones? Contact me at and let's make some memories!

PSA: I will be in the Pensacola/Fairhope area and offering a limited number of sessions on the following dates...




If you or someone you know is interested in natural, organic family, maternity, newborn, motherhood, engagement, etc photography, please share with them!

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Sketchler Family | Louisiana Family Photographer

Treasured occurrences to tragic ones, it's sometimes so easy to forget that life can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye. On the way to her sister's rehearsal dinner last April, Erin, Owen, and their precious Ollie were hit head-on on the interstate by an 18-wheeler. The next day, as I photographed her sister Lauren's wedding, there was so much fear and disillusionment in everyone's eyes. Sifting through emotions of fear and shock that day, going through months of physical rehab afterwards, it's a beautiful life that the three of them are now healthy, happy, and thriving.  So, to say that I had the opportunity to photograph their beautiful, healing family recently is an enormous understatement. To see the smiles and to witness a beautiful, growing baby boy just fills my heart to the brim. 2015-02-26_00042015-02-26_0001 2015-02-26_0005

Ollie has mad style for a one-year-old--all credit to his super talented parents. Speaking of talent, Erin has quite the nifty little Etsy Shop. You can check it out, here.2015-02-26_00072015-02-26_00062015-02-26_0002

Those eyes. Ollie, you are going to melt some hearts.2015-02-26_0008 2015-02-26_0009

Erin and Owen, thank you so much for entrusting me with documenting your beautiful family.








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Owen Family | Louisiana Family Photographer

What's even more heart fulfilling than photographing a family just once, is when I photograph them year after year. When I can watch children grow, relationships change, and document what life's about--year after year. This is my third year photographing Erica and Jeremy's beautiful little family, and having gotten to know them over the years has been an overwhelming gift.2014-11-25_00152014-11-25_00162014-11-25_00032014-11-25_0001 2014-11-25_0002 This little runt was just a teensy toddler the first year we did photos--now he's so handsome and loves to strut in front of the camera.2014-11-25_0004 2014-11-25_0007 2014-11-25_0008

Erica is hilarious--as both a mother and a person. From belting out frozen songs with fake wigs and recording them, to just singing tunes unabashedly with her kiddos, she makes memories with them that I know they will carry with them for a lifetime.2014-11-25_00182014-11-25_0005 2014-11-25_0009

Can we just reflect for a moment on how handsome and loving Dean is? Gracious.2014-11-25_00112014-11-25_0010 2014-11-25_0012

Jeremy's got his humor too. I'm pretty sure if I lived in their house, I'd never be short of laughs.2014-11-25_0013 2014-11-25_0014

Erica, Jeremy, Annabelle, and Dean, thank you, from the bottom of my heart for allowing me another memorable year of documenting your family. And if you ever get the urge to belt out some tunes, I don't have cable, so the spot in front of my TV is always open for your stage. (;

2014-11-25_00172014-11-25_0006 SIGNATURE








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I had the pleasure of photographing five days new little Corbeau the other day, and oh, how tiny and sweet he was. No props, just light and love. Simplicity.


So much perspective in these next few. I've really moved to simplify things over here. Just get down to the basics of emotion and life, and I couldn't be happier with the message it sends through my lens. Little toes, daddy's hands, close to momma. This is what new life is all about. Corbeau-4IMG_4955Corbeau-1 Corbeau-5Sarah, Chris, Drake, and Corbeau, I'm ever-grateful for you welcoming me into your home and allowing me to document the beauty and love in your life. I'm so elated for the opportunity to watch Corbeau grow, as well as your family's love.












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North Cypress Member Perks

I've had a few minimum wage-esque jobs in high school and college, most of which were at gyms, coffee shops, or heck, even coffee shops IN gyms. I'll tell you, there's something about working in both of these atmospheres that just brightens your day--or it did for me, at least. I loved the spirit of uplifting people I met in both of these places so much, that I always say someday, perhaps when I retire, I'll go back and work in a gym or a coffee shop--just for the sake of meeting bright and beautiful people. Perhaps its the good endorphins flowing and the routine-oriented people that frequent these places, I don't know. But I'll tell you, they're a bunch of happy humans.

Health and wellness are a pretty big deal to me. I think caring for your body and fueling it for success and longevity is one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself. It invigorates the mind, as well as the physical body, it breeds an environment of goals, and it paves the way for personal achievement. We've been members of our particular gym for a few years now, and I'll tell you, the faces we come to see every day there, just become sort of like an uplifting family.

Well, it turns out, our already AWESOME gym is in the process of a $3 million dollar expansion. Yep, you read that right. A fabulous club that already has a sauna, outdoor pool, tons of group exercise class offerings, a bistro, a salon, and childcare is now expanding EVEN MORE. Part of their expansion will include larger group exercise rooms, tons of new equipment, a sports complex, a private poolside party room, and some pretty cool new training concepts. The best part? Our monthly membership is EXTREMELY affordable. If you're local and want to read more about the expansion, you can do so here.

Anyhow, what's the point of me telling you this on my photography blog? Well, I'll tell you. (: As part of their new expansion and courtesy to members, new and old, North Cypress is partnering with a few local businesses to provide savings exclusively for North Cypress members. I'm so thrilled to announce that I've decided to partner with them for the upcoming year! SO, if you're a member or thinking about becoming a member, feel free to contact me or the club for more information on these sweet deals exclusive to YOU. I'm so looking forward to meeting you and expanding Kali Norton Photography with these offerings this year!

RESIZE North Cypress BLOG

And if you are a local and would like to meet me and see more of my work in person, I will be at Imagine Boutique in downtown Hammond next Friday, April 4th from 6pm til 10pm for Art in April.  Our little town is so great at putting on events to celebrate art and local business, all with the most festive atmosphere. So come stop by, browse Imagine Boutique's PERFECT new Spring arrivals, and have a glass of bubbly with me! I'd love to meet you!


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Grace in Your Heart and Flowers in Your Hair - My Most Meaningful Giveaway, EVER (EXTENDED DEADLINE)

The essence of a woman, is by far, the most bafflingly beautiful thing to me. There is a particular strength, dignity, and grace interwoven in the soul of a woman that is just breathtaking.  Lately, this particular subject has really moved me.  I've been driven by stories, inspired by silent battles, and just moved by the women around me who have endured or are currently enduring with a level of grace, dignity, and preserverance that just simply deserves a little light.

Perhaps this is why I have such a deep love and devotion for photographing women. I feel that a photograph of a woman smiling, truly a joyful smile is one of the most breathtakingly powerful sights. I feel that the intimate moment captured between a mother and her newborn is a breath of love that no one in the world can understand but her. I feel that the bold beauty of a high school senior trying to find her place in this great big world is more than just a pretty photograph, but rather, a message that tells her that she is good enough, beautiful enough, smart enough--that she has something all her own to offer to the world. I believe that a woman has more power at her fingertips by the grace, dignity, and levels of love she can offer to the world than any other creature on this Earth.

I truly believe that what we as women need even is uplifting from other women. I like to think that we are like reflectors, and by being uplifting, we set the bar for others to do the same. With that being said, I've decided this year to put on the biggest contest I've ever held to celebrate the strength and beauty of the women we call our mothers, our friends, our sisters, daughters, companions--the ones who've fought battles, silently or with support of loved ones--the ones who need a little light in their lives.

Womens Giveaway


The winner, chosen by me based on all nominated submissions, will be gifted an ENTIRE Lifestyle Collection Session (including styling direction, session, gallery of edited images, blog feature with a write-up on the specific beauty and grace behind the woman in the photographs) valued at over $500.

Sessions will be gifted for use in the Hammond/Ponchatoula area, HOWEVER, this should NOT discourage readers from ANYWHERE to enter. Should the winner want a session somewhere other than where I am located, they can still be awarded the same $500 valued collection and would simply have to provide my travel costs. Still a phenomenal win, if you ask me. Plus, I'd LOVE to hear stories from ANY and EVERYWHERE.

ALSO, if the nominated winner chosen is from out of state, they will be contacted with a choice to accept. If they decline, the next winner will be chosen. All of that being said to not sway ANYONE from nominating deserving contenders.



I'm looking for nominations for any woman, of any age, you know who's fought or is currently fighting some sort of battle OR striving to reach some sort of goal for self-improvement with an awe-inspiring grace and dignity.



Her name.

A photograph of her, link to her Facebook, OR link to her Instagram.

Her story and what about her story makes her inspiring to you or others. Give me as much information as possible as to what makes her beautiful, strong, and dignified. (NO personal information about any contestants will be published without my first contacting them for approval once all submissions have been entered).



Nomination submission deadline is EXTENDED THROUGH MARCH. Deadline is April 1, 2014 at Midnight CST.



All nominations should be emailed to kali(at) or via my website contact page with the subject line "2014 Nomination."


I absolutely cannot wait to be moved by the powerful women we are surrounded by. I truly believe in documentation through photographs to affirm life's charm and serve as a delicate reminder that, somewhere in the muddle, there is radiance.

P.S. - Fabulous quote above credit goes to Mumford & Sons, from their song "After the Storm."



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Comparison is the thief of joy

There's something I learned to do, pretty early on in my business. It was probably the first giant stepping stone for me in paving the way for creating a brand and business I knew I had it in me to achieve. Now, let me be clear before I go on with this, I am still very, very much working on that path, as my business goals are still growing, changing, and perfecting daily. However, I do know that by doing this one thing several years ago, it allowed me to clear all of those debilitating voices in my head, that just constantly numbed me in fear and told me I could never climb that mountain. What am I talking about? Comparison... I learned that every time I viewed someone's work who had the same geographical client base as I, I just compared every little thing they did to my own talents and abilities, when in fact, they had different style altogether, or perhaps different business goals, or different life circumstances.

Looking back, I can see how illogical this was, when in fact, THE VERY REASON I decided to start my business was to bring something different, something astonishingly new to the area based on what I had researched and aspired from photographers around the globe and where I knew my own strengths and talents lie.

So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I know that I'm not the only entrepreneur, the only business person, the only photographer, the only woman that has felt this. And while I can't be sure of what any other person's private thoughts, aspirations, or goals will drive them to do, I'm fairly certain that achieving a dream is a capability every person has.

During the holidays, I was watching the movie Jobs that came out this year. It is a biography of Steve Jobs. If you know anything of Steve Jobs you know why he's one of the most influential creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century. One of the many inspiring pieces of advice he gave over his lifetime was this...


Whether that dream is to be a CEO of a large company, a stay at home mother who loves and raises a family with everything she has, whether it's to become a nurse, or get into college, or to make a large impact in the lives of many people--every one has something to prove to themselves. And that's a beautiful thing, because I believe if we didn't ever try to prove something to ourselves, we'd be a terribly boring, unmotivated, bunch o' people.

I posed an Instagram photo a while back that said, "Once you feel like you get over a mountain, you realize it was only a hill--and that the mountain is still ahead." This is certainly how I feel about running a business. But something I've realized recently is that when you get into adulthood especially, life really never stops challenging you. I've also learned, that that is the beauty of it. I used to have some abstract idea in the back of my mind that setting goals was like filling a cup, and once it was full, so was my capability to achieve all I wanted. But what I realized is, reaching potential means constantly setting goals, constantly working to better myself.

The world doesn't get more kind and I don't believe all comparison is bad. But, let's all strive for healthy comparison in 2014. Let's compare ourselves to only to the people we strive to be, the ones who challenge us to grow, healthily. Comparing to any others who don't push you to be your better self is, in my opinion, not only a simple-minded way of thinking, but it will also get you all of nowhere. Use that energy to challenge yourself to be a better you, instead.

Let's let 2014 be more about fostering the beauty in cultivating relationships -- romantic, friendships, or family. None of them last forever. Let's let 2014 not be about being frozen in fear or dreaming of the same aspirations you've dreamt for the past two years. Let's do something about it. Let's change. Let's never be the same again. (:


And now, for the winner of the voted Favorite 2013 Portrait that readers have chosen...IMG_8230The ever-sweet Cefalu family. (Callie came in 2nd, and the Owen family was a close 3rd!) Thank you everyone for voting, and even moreso, thank you to my clients who take my breathe away, time and time again.

Happy Thursday, my sweet friends!


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The Blanchard Family

Lanie was an example, like many of my new and old clients this year, that knew my style, my eye, my vision for a session. She came to me, also, knowing her own style and how it meshed so perfectly with my own. Her expectations for a classic session full of neutrals that she brought to the table allowed for me to so easily photograph her sweet family and create the most timeless of a family heirloom for her--especially during this sweet, expression-filled time of sweet little Blake's life. I hope you enjoy the sweet, classic, and timeless expressions of love within this little family...

IMG_3456IMG_3436Blanchard-2 IMG_3387IMG_3383

You might recognize this photo below from one of my favorites from all of 2013 (voting still happening for those through midnight tonight!) So much cherished father-son expression here...IMG_3501 IMG_3477 IMG_3522 IMG_3504

Lanie has such a classic look about her as well. Gentle and loving.IMG_3515 IMG_3531 IMG_3553Blanchard-1 IMG_3570 IMG_3662 IMG_3711

You might also recognize the above photo from my 2013 favorites. I can't help it. The beautiful chemistry and story between married couples, the love between parent and child--when photographs can tell of this love so beautifully, it makes me want to cry such happy tears. Lanie, Bruce, and Blake, thank you for allowing me to document for you what I hope is the most timeless treasured collection for you, for years to come.

PS. Remember everyone, voting for YOUR favorite 2013 photograph is on through midnight tonight CST. You can vote by commenting on Monday's post, found here. The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card toGapJcrew, or Anthropologie (winner’s choice). Happy Wednesday!









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The 2013 Portrait Favorites

Whew, what a year of growth and self-exploration 2013 was for both me personally and my business. Since the holidays are over and I refuse to let the post-Christmas blues get me down, I've decided to start a yearly tradition in which YOU get to vote on YOUR favorite portraits of 2013! The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to Gap, Jcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Most of these are from my 2013 portrait sessions, with the exception of a couple from 2012 that I just couldn't not include, since I've never done a giveaway of favorites before. Also, because my favorite portraits are the ones heavy on emotion, I've converted them into black and white. While I love a color portrait, I believe that the black and white allows you to fully observe the beauty of emotion I was trying to capture in each photograph. Here's how it will work: To vote, simply state your favorite of the twenty listed in the comments at the bottom of the post, that's it! 

One vote is allowed per reader; however, you may share the post and get as much friends and family to vote as you'd like! The contest starts today and goes through this Wednesday, January 8th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Thursday's blog post.

Disclaimer: This does not include my weddings, so if you were one of my brides, don't feel left out, I've just decided that weddings did not belong in this category. Instead, I think I may do a summer giveaway especially for brides in the future.

1. Waller - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5908

2. Dunckleman - Lifestyle PortraitIMG_5261

3. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_3501

4. Callie - Senior Lifestyle PortraitIMG_4697

5. Nelson - Lifestyle Engagement PortraitIMG_1694

6. Kaylyn - Lifestyle Senior PortraitIMG_2560

7. Rebecca - Lifestyle Maternity PortraitIMG_5930

8. Franklin - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5444

9. Waguespack - Lifestyle Engagement Portrait


10. Ducote - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1141

11. Fabre - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1918

12. Franklin - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_3315

13. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_3711

14. Dunckleman - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_5213

15. Bailey - Lifestyle Senior Potrait IMG_6245

16. Owen - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5629

17. Waller - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_5937

18. Cefalu - Lifestyle Family Portrait  IMG_8230

19. Harrison - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_1153

20. Minear - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_9255


To vote, simply enter YOUR favorite in the comments below. Contest ends at midnight on Wednesday, January 8th. The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to GapJcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Happy voting!










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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Witty Toddlers and Crunchy Leaves

One of my most favorite parts of photographing toddlers is the things that intrigue them. Now, combine that with a adorably feisty little red head--and well, let's just say there wasn't a shortage of laughs. Little Miss Presley has some strong wit for a toddler, not to mention, she's a girl who knows what she wants. I loved every bit of her assertive and sweet little personality.


See what I mean? Between the sweet sparkle in her innocent eyes and the "I'm in control" face below, I just loved her!IMG_7064Portera-3 IMG_7081

I love the innocence and fervor of personality in the toddler years. Presley has so much personality that I know Casey and Brandon will look back on and cherish in these photographs.Portera-1IMG_7134IMG_7110 IMG_7123 Casey, Brandon, and Presley, I had an absolute blast playing and learning the sweet dynamic of your family, and moreso, documenting these sweet moments. I can only hope to document more of you in the future!







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Because none of us can go a Christmas Season without Harrison's Cuteness...

I would introduce him, but I think we all know by now that Harrison needs no introduction, whatsoever. If for some reason you've been living under a rock (er, or just haven't followed me) and don't know who Harrison is...well, welcome to all that is freaking adorable in the toddler world. I've photographed him since Kate's maternity photos, and well, he hams it up for me every single time. And for you mothers who think "my kid won't do that"--fear not, for I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Despite all parents' fears of their child not behaving for photographs, we always seem to bring out the perfect personality of the child and age during sessions.

Anyhow, here's my dapper young gentleman, Harrison in all of his Christmas plaid and bowtie goodness...

IMG_3943Harrison-3IMG_3917 Harrison-4 IMG_3966

These aren't my props. Kate brings all of her vision along with her in prop form every time we do his sessions and we collaborate to make her visions and mine connect. Harrison's first Christmas session isn't on the blog, but if you're interested in seeing more of this little cutie from that particular session, you can view it on the the Facebook fan page, here. You could also "like" that page while you're visiting. (; He also has several other ones here and hereHarrison-1Harrison-2

Kate, Michael, and Harrison, as always I love you guys and am ever grateful for documenting the milestones of your sweet life.




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Latiolais Family - We Got Chased by a Cow, Y'all

Leah and Jason met here working at Global Wildlife while still finishing up their degrees. From swimming in the pond after work, other countless cherished memories--including their engagement, wedding reception, and frequent visits back now with their sweet Jacques, this place holds quite a majestic feeling for them. After spending time with them here, I completely understood why. Watching them know the place forwards and backwards and thinking of the memories they've created here, I realized how truly beautiful it was that their first real photo session with Jacques should be documented at this very place.

This session truly put the meaning in Lifestyle Photography and it was SO much fun. Because both Jason and Leah worked here for so long, we got to go on a private excursion, led by Jason, to stop and let Jacques encounter all of mommy and daddy's favorite animals. It was kind of exhilarating for the super girly girl I am. I mean, how often do you get chased by a giant cow...with giant horns...while photographing people? Don't worry, we made it in the vehicle before he really started running. (;


My goodness, those golden locks and bright eyes--so beautiful, baby boy. And I must say, the tiny tantrum below was the most adorable tiny tantrum I've ever seen. IMG_6081Latiolais-3IMG_6164IMG_6092

IMG_6014The giraffes were probably the coolest for me. They were so giant, so close, and so sweet. They just stuck their heads right on in the truck with us and had a little snack... IMG_6043 IMG_6062 IMG_6067

Leah's favorite was the llama, but I'm not sure that Jacques agreed. (;IMG_6169IMG_6229IMG_6232 IMG_6182 IMG_6184 IMG_6198 IMG_6215 Latiolais-1 IMG_6251 Leah and Jason, this was truly an exciting and beautiful experience for me. Thank you for allowing me to see and document such a large part of what made up the beginnings of your beautiful little family, and of what matters most to you.





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The Beards

With it being a time of thanksgiving, it's only appropriate that I should be blogging these two today. Perhaps they look familiar to you from their surprise wedding we photographed this past March or from my personal posts if you follow me on Instagram. You see, Connie was my bride. Mind you, I had never met her before she approached me about booking, but well, she's been the biggest gleam of sunshine in my life ever since. I knew from the moment I met her, like I do often times with people of her good nature, that she had a heart of gold and a optimistic fervor for life. She and Mike have become best friends to Preston and I over the course of the year and I could not be more grateful for their genuine presence, every single day.

Oh hey! They're superbly stylish too! We know I have eyes for photographs that look like they came straight out of a Jcrew or Banana Republic catalog, and well, here you go. (:


Hehe, this is Little Miss Riley. She's a dainty lady. We've dogsat her before and it was grand. That was before I had a monster of a fluffy puppy thinking everything as little as Miss Riley is a toy at his own personal service. Err...


This was one of my favorite photos from their session because umm, Connie has a little feisty streak that I love so dearly about her that Mike is always keeping in balance. It's quite a fun dynamic to be around.


Connie threw on a flannel shirt over her lace dress for the second half of the session and I LOVE the whole different vibe it brought...

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 Connie and Mike, you two have truly become better friends than I ever could have imagined. I cherish your good nature, giant hearts, and love of good food every single day. I cannot wait for so many more adventures with you.








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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Brou/Norton Family

All grown up, even my baby sister, is a bit of a strange sight to see in photographs. Strange, but beautiful. Thinking of growing up with sisters, of the fights over clothing, the bribes to switch outfits, the pulling of hair, the moments when cuddling is ok--the moments of growing up. Lovely.

We recently did a little Fall session with my parents and sisters, and I must say, I'm loving the warm hues and the strange feeling of seeing my family on camera. (; Ah, just look at my baby sister, not looking like a baby at all...








As I've grown a little, I've learned the beauty in embracing stages of life--of seeing the growth from where those surrounding have come from and where they'll go, and of just embracing the now. It's so interesting to look at this next photo, knowing that in a few years we will probably look back on it and think of how different our family was.


And these two, answering every phone call I had with questions as I was building our new house and doing all sorts of new grown up things. And if you haven't been following me and didn't know, not only are they talented at making girls, but also at building and refurbishing things. They've done countless projects for me, including this freaking awesome office shelving. They are beautiful.

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This is Shelli, she's our quirky middle child. Can you tell?



So, in the spirit of embracing seasons, I'll attempt to embrace this 75 degree, extremely humid "Fall" weather here in Louisiana. Happy Friday, friends!








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Lauren + Trey {engaged} - Part II

I just adore the class that these two exude and the sweet dynamic they share. In case you missed the first part of Lauren and Trey's session, you can check it out here. Now, if only I wouldn't be so antsy to see all of the fabulous planning Lauren has up her sleeve for October. Undoubtedly, it will be breathtaking.

For now, here's part two of their sweet engagement sesh...

Happy Friday!

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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

The Ducote Family

Oh my, hello Friday! Perhaps I'm a little partial, but this is my beautiful godchild, Isla. We've been doing sessions of my sweet girl all year now, but this is, by far, my favorite. All of the Fall colors, the dreamy field, the perfection in bold outfits are exactly what I had in mind when Amanda and I discussed the direction for this session. I don't generally go for bold colors often when helping clients style sessions, but Isla's bold berry colored outfit from Old Navy, along with her perfectly tiny brown boots were exactly what I envisioned paired with the dreamy field and Amanda's cream dress selection.

And as it always goes, the heart and soul in the mother-baby shots won the prize for my favorites...

I loved so many shots of Amanda and Isla, but this black and white was, by far, my favorite. Of all of the things I love to photograph, especially my couples in love, ultimately, the raw emotion between mother and child just trumps everything. Amanda is wearing my favorite piece by J'adore Lexie Couture, the flower crown. Oh my, swoon.

Second to mother-baby shots. There's nothing like a man in love with his baby. Seth is a wonderfully amazing husband and father. It's so crazy to me that my sweet Isla will be ONE already in January, crazy!!

Oh oh, happy Friday people! I hope for a beautifully relaxing weekend in your near future.

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Creating an Inspiring Workspace {Part I}

I'm not sure if it's the part about me where I'm an organizational freak, or if it's the part where I've been "designing" my own bedroom since I was like eight years old, but as a creative entrepreneur working from home, an aesthetically pleasing workspace is directly proportional with my drive for positive productivity. Or...that's what I've been telling myself at least. Shh...

But really. I think when you work a job that requires you to be on your toes in the creativity department, it's very important to have a workspace that mirrors that. Additionally, for a while now, I've had a vision of a place where I could meet with brides and prospective clients that was professional, inviting, and most importantly, me. A space that fit my style, that fit my brand, and that fit all of the warmth and professionalism I want with my clients and friends. Because almost all of the time, my clients become dear friends. And the more my brand has come to define me--who I am and what I represent--the more this rings true. Which truly, y'all, is what I have always envisioned--a business that exudes warmth and top-notch professionalism, but where my clients feel like they know me enough for us to cozy up on my couch with a glass of wine and cheese and have the best conversation.

Anyhow, more on that topic is actually for another time. This blog is just a small introduction into my workspace, and moreso, how FLIPPING AWESOME my parents are. Seriously. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that my parents built me this amazing wine shelving similar to one I loved at Pottery Barn. The wine shelving? Oh yeah, they refurbished it from an old entertainment center. I'm truly bragging about them because this is a disclaimer: I HAVE NO HANDS ON TALENT WITH BUILDING OR PUTTING THINGS TOGETHER, WHATSOEVER. Seriously, it's embarrassing. But hey, everyone has their strengths, and my beautiful parents have the best knack for refurbishing and building things. My mom says it's stress relief. My dad? Well, he grunts and groans a little, but I think he loves it. (;

Their newest project, after I sent them a photo I liked from Wouldn't it Be Lovely, is this ahhhmazing shelving made from plumbing pipes that has my office almost complete. This would have been incredibly hard for my talents, but according to my dad, it was "fairly simple" in the putting together world of things--for those of you now itching to try it (small tutorial below). But scroll on, and enjoy the beginnings of my new workspace...

Almost everything on my shelves has some sort of significance. This magazine clipping is from one of the first-ever photographers to inspire me to follow my whims and enter the wedding industry. To create a journey for myself that would give me the courage to define my style and embrace the vision I had for an experience between my clients and I, instead of taking every job that came my way. And the lovely vintage cameras? Compliments if my way cool father-in-law. He finds the most awesome of things.

This last photo may not seem like much, but for me, it has the most significance to me on the entire shelf. Lara Casey's Make it Happen print holds so much weight in my heart for the journey I've been on this past year identifying my brand, my business, and what matters most. It reminds me that I only have one life and executing it as beautifully and meaningfully as I can by filling it with as much love and beauty as I can, is what is important.

And those stack of babies on the right? That's the beautiful new stationary that goes out to my clients. (:

For those of you now wanting to try this at home, materials for the shelf alone costed me $254.81 (tax included). Not bad, considering all furniture I was considering buying with this much storage space and style was at least double that.

We roughly used the outline of directions from Wouldn't it Be Lovely, but tweaked it a little.

Here's what he used:

 Tools: - Power Screwdriver/Drill - Stud Finder - 1" Hole Saw - Circular Saw/ Hand Saw/ Table Saw (or some other way to cut the boards to length) Channel lock pliers or pipe wrench

Materials: - black 1/2 inch pre-threaded pipe (I got mine at Home depot) I bought the following lengths for this shelf: - 6 of 12 inch

- 3 of 10 inch

  - 9 of 18 inch

- 11 of 8 inch

- 14 elbows

- 12 three-joint connectors (AKA Tees)

- 6 wall brackets (AKA end flanges)

- 4- 1 x 12 boards, (we used #2 & better pine because we wanted a knotty look) 3 cut 78 inches & 1 cut 46 inches( these lengths allow 7 inches hanging out on each end of pipes, if you desire less shorten accordingly)

wood stain

#14x2 inch wood screws


- Clean the pipes, this is messy, but helps a lot

- Paint Pipes with Oil Rubbed Bronze Spray Paint. We used Rust-oleum Universal Metallic Oil Rubbed Bronze.

- Using the Stud-Finder, find the Studs in your walls that are best spaced for the shelf & mark them. - Mark where the corresponding holes will need to be on the pine (32 inches on center, apart from each other), drill 1 inch hole 1 1/8 inches to center from outside edge, this will leave 5/8 inch of board to edge so it won’t break during assembly. NOTE: You will only need holes in the front. - Stain the wood & let dry according to stain directions. I wanted my wood a little white-washed to match my style, so my mom used Annie Sloan paint, then wiped off, and added Annie Sloan Dark Wax to get this effect. 

We actually didn't even screw into the floor, just the top wall, and everything is quite secure. Trust me, my dad is a triple checker. - Start building from the bottom up, screwing the pipe into the brackets and joints, adding the boards as you go. NOTE: the backs of the shelves are resting on the elbow joint, it's very sturdy and does not need to be attached in any other way than through the one pipe in front. Once assembled, make sure everything is level and lines up before you screw the brackets into the wall.


 So, there you go. If you feel like being handy, go get it! Happy Tuesday!



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Chateau Country Club Wedding: Amy & Barret

Amy and Barret's Country Club Wedding was the perfect mix of glam, hints of preppy fab, and the creams I scream from the rooftops about. And as I mentioned in this post, the lighting and locations throughout Amy's entire day made it a photographer's heaven and created the perfect setup for nothing less than perfection in her wedding portfolio. Amy was timid, but I could tell time and time again throughout her day, that she is truly loved by the people who surround her. Her friendships genuine, her new marriage, already deep-rooted in love and family--Amy's heart shines golden. Scroll to see her soft details that made everything perfection.

After a long day of shooting, even Preston looked at me and noted how much Amy's preparedness and trust in me as her photographer truly made the day one of the smoothest ever for us. I loved Amy and Barret immediately, but after hearing her desires for big hair, an intimate first look with Barret, and the most classy forms of bling, she had me.

A special thanks to the fabulous vendors...

The entire staff at Chateau Country Club

Gorgeous blooms from Claire at Blumen Lendle

Brock and Natalie at BGP Productions

Hair and Makeup from the girls at Candies & Company

Some dope beats from Quinn with White Oak Productions

Cake from Haydel's Bakery


Amy's nerves were playing games with her in the beginning of the day, but she took care of that like a girl after my own heart...

It's a tie between birdcage and cathedral veils for me, but for Amy, oh my goodness she rocked this with her adorable bob like nobody's business.

Recognize this little angel? It's my sweet Ellis that I've been photographing since she was a wee little newborn. Ellis's momma, Jennie, is a long-time friend and old roommate of Amy's, and they were both in the bridal party. This alone, makes my heart so, so very happy.

It's always a toss-up if the little ones will be petrified or excited to walk down the aisle. Well, little mister Braden did it once, then said ever-so-adorably, "C'mon Ellis, let's go do it again!" The most perfect prelude to Amy's stunning entrance...

I adore this photograph so much. This is Berklie, being held by her great-grandmother. Capturing moments like this fills my heart to the brim.

Amy and Barret, thank you so much for allowing me to witness and document your day. I'm ever grateful and wish you nothing but countless years of happiness.


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The Cefalu Family

With all that is sweet, creamy, and classy, this little family stole my heart. The second Abby walked out in her lace dress paired with Ellis' white smock, I knew we were set up for success. In the small amount of time I spent with the three of them, I could feel Abby's sweet, gentle disposition, Ellis' curious toddler nature, and Bill's easy-going personality.

Look at this sweet girl. It must be something about the little girls named Ellis that I photograph, they are just some sweet, classy baby girls. And as it forever and always goes, the mother-baby shots got me, once again. The gentle aura of a woman and the sparkle her baby brings to her eyes will always be one of the most beautiful stories I could ever have the pleasure of documenting.

As if they weren't cool enough, we added their sweet pup Bella in at the end of their session -- and even she was a pro behind the camera! I even managed a few model poses of Bella before we wrapped it up.

Abby, Bill, and Ellis, I could not be more grateful that you requested me to to document this time in your sweet new family's life. You guys are all things beautiful.

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