It's Fall Y'all!

It's Fall, and although the weather here hasn't gotten the message about all of the Fall hype, I'm just as excited as the rest of my social media newsfeeds. Apparently, my dapper pup is rather excited too. He managed to find a little style niche in his Fall attire this morning and just begged that I photograph him. Er, maybe it was more like begging for Cheerios.

Either way, my nine month old little fur ball is looking rather sophisticated and ready for some Fall trends this morning, and I just had to share.

Apparently begging for cherios is quite the chore. The model decided he was pooped when the Cheerios ran out.

Chewie hopes this gets you through this Hump Day! Happy Wednesday and Happy Fall, my friends!


Dougherty Family {Pensacola Fall Session}


Ellis is Two!