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The Blanchard Family

Lanie was an example, like many of my new and old clients this year, that knew my style, my eye, my vision for a session. She came to me, also, knowing her own style and how it meshed so perfectly with my own. Her expectations for a classic session full of neutrals that she brought to the table allowed for me to so easily photograph her sweet family and create the most timeless of a family heirloom for her--especially during this sweet, expression-filled time of sweet little Blake's life. I hope you enjoy the sweet, classic, and timeless expressions of love within this little family...

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You might recognize this photo below from one of my favorites from all of 2013 (voting still happening for those through midnight tonight!) So much cherished father-son expression here...IMG_3501 IMG_3477 IMG_3522 IMG_3504

Lanie has such a classic look about her as well. Gentle and loving.IMG_3515 IMG_3531 IMG_3553Blanchard-1 IMG_3570 IMG_3662 IMG_3711

You might also recognize the above photo from my 2013 favorites. I can't help it. The beautiful chemistry and story between married couples, the love between parent and child--when photographs can tell of this love so beautifully, it makes me want to cry such happy tears. Lanie, Bruce, and Blake, thank you for allowing me to document for you what I hope is the most timeless treasured collection for you, for years to come.

PS. Remember everyone, voting for YOUR favorite 2013 photograph is on through midnight tonight CST. You can vote by commenting on Monday's post, found here. The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card toGapJcrew, or Anthropologie (winner’s choice). Happy Wednesday!









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The 2013 Portrait Favorites

Whew, what a year of growth and self-exploration 2013 was for both me personally and my business. Since the holidays are over and I refuse to let the post-Christmas blues get me down, I've decided to start a yearly tradition in which YOU get to vote on YOUR favorite portraits of 2013! The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to Gap, Jcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Most of these are from my 2013 portrait sessions, with the exception of a couple from 2012 that I just couldn't not include, since I've never done a giveaway of favorites before. Also, because my favorite portraits are the ones heavy on emotion, I've converted them into black and white. While I love a color portrait, I believe that the black and white allows you to fully observe the beauty of emotion I was trying to capture in each photograph. Here's how it will work: To vote, simply state your favorite of the twenty listed in the comments at the bottom of the post, that's it! 

One vote is allowed per reader; however, you may share the post and get as much friends and family to vote as you'd like! The contest starts today and goes through this Wednesday, January 8th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Thursday's blog post.

Disclaimer: This does not include my weddings, so if you were one of my brides, don't feel left out, I've just decided that weddings did not belong in this category. Instead, I think I may do a summer giveaway especially for brides in the future.

1. Waller - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5908

2. Dunckleman - Lifestyle PortraitIMG_5261

3. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_3501

4. Callie - Senior Lifestyle PortraitIMG_4697

5. Nelson - Lifestyle Engagement PortraitIMG_1694

6. Kaylyn - Lifestyle Senior PortraitIMG_2560

7. Rebecca - Lifestyle Maternity PortraitIMG_5930

8. Franklin - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5444

9. Waguespack - Lifestyle Engagement Portrait


10. Ducote - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1141

11. Fabre - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1918

12. Franklin - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_3315

13. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_3711

14. Dunckleman - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_5213

15. Bailey - Lifestyle Senior Potrait IMG_6245

16. Owen - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5629

17. Waller - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_5937

18. Cefalu - Lifestyle Family Portrait  IMG_8230

19. Harrison - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_1153

20. Minear - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_9255


To vote, simply enter YOUR favorite in the comments below. Contest ends at midnight on Wednesday, January 8th. The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to GapJcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Happy voting!










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Witty Toddlers and Crunchy Leaves

One of my most favorite parts of photographing toddlers is the things that intrigue them. Now, combine that with a adorably feisty little red head--and well, let's just say there wasn't a shortage of laughs. Little Miss Presley has some strong wit for a toddler, not to mention, she's a girl who knows what she wants. I loved every bit of her assertive and sweet little personality.


See what I mean? Between the sweet sparkle in her innocent eyes and the "I'm in control" face below, I just loved her!IMG_7064Portera-3 IMG_7081

I love the innocence and fervor of personality in the toddler years. Presley has so much personality that I know Casey and Brandon will look back on and cherish in these photographs.Portera-1IMG_7134IMG_7110 IMG_7123 Casey, Brandon, and Presley, I had an absolute blast playing and learning the sweet dynamic of your family, and moreso, documenting these sweet moments. I can only hope to document more of you in the future!







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Latiolais Family - We Got Chased by a Cow, Y'all

Leah and Jason met here working at Global Wildlife while still finishing up their degrees. From swimming in the pond after work, other countless cherished memories--including their engagement, wedding reception, and frequent visits back now with their sweet Jacques, this place holds quite a majestic feeling for them. After spending time with them here, I completely understood why. Watching them know the place forwards and backwards and thinking of the memories they've created here, I realized how truly beautiful it was that their first real photo session with Jacques should be documented at this very place.

This session truly put the meaning in Lifestyle Photography and it was SO much fun. Because both Jason and Leah worked here for so long, we got to go on a private excursion, led by Jason, to stop and let Jacques encounter all of mommy and daddy's favorite animals. It was kind of exhilarating for the super girly girl I am. I mean, how often do you get chased by a giant cow...with giant horns...while photographing people? Don't worry, we made it in the vehicle before he really started running. (;


My goodness, those golden locks and bright eyes--so beautiful, baby boy. And I must say, the tiny tantrum below was the most adorable tiny tantrum I've ever seen. IMG_6081Latiolais-3IMG_6164IMG_6092

IMG_6014The giraffes were probably the coolest for me. They were so giant, so close, and so sweet. They just stuck their heads right on in the truck with us and had a little snack... IMG_6043 IMG_6062 IMG_6067

Leah's favorite was the llama, but I'm not sure that Jacques agreed. (;IMG_6169IMG_6229IMG_6232 IMG_6182 IMG_6184 IMG_6198 IMG_6215 Latiolais-1 IMG_6251 Leah and Jason, this was truly an exciting and beautiful experience for me. Thank you for allowing me to see and document such a large part of what made up the beginnings of your beautiful little family, and of what matters most to you.





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Another Sweet Franklin has Arrived!

In addition to it just simply being the most wonderful time of the year, my heart gets so full with the enormous amounts of love captured in Lifestyle Sessions this time of year. You may remember The Franklins from their family collection we did just before Josephine made her arrival, well now, we have the completion of their family...for this year. (;

Vickie loves being pregnant and is so very natural at being a mother, both of which she wears quite well. Josephine is the third beautiful addition to this giant-hearted family I'm grateful to call close friends. As you know, I love mother and child interaction in photographs. It speaks for itself, more powerful words than I could ever convey...

IMG_3315 Josephine-3IMG_3298Josephine is Vickie's third all natural birth, and this time, at home--in a tub, in her bedroom, with her two girls and her husband right by her side. I can't even imagine the peace and beauty in that.


I love these photographs of Vickie and her three girls so much. They are such timeless heirlooms in their family history--a time that she will look back on someday, of when all of her babies were small, when they loved unconditionally, when they snuck into her bed in the middle of the night, when they needed her for everything. I'm not a mother yet, but I know, this is a time of love and satiety every mother wishes she could bottle up and save forever.

IMG_3331IMG_3375IMG_3358Birth order truly intrigues me. My friends and I discuss the quirks of it often. The first child tendencies, the second child tendencies, the toss up of the third, and so on. I'm a textbook first child and my sister is a textbook second, so it thoroughly intrigues me to observe this in other families. I love the spunk of the second child--the rebel, the mischief maker, the big, guarded heart, and the one that keeps everyone laughing. I love it. And I especially love it in Sofia in these photographs. (:

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This session and this family is special to me in so very many ways. I hope it fills your heart as it did mine this holiday season. Now, go show this week who's boss!








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The Beards

With it being a time of thanksgiving, it's only appropriate that I should be blogging these two today. Perhaps they look familiar to you from their surprise wedding we photographed this past March or from my personal posts if you follow me on Instagram. You see, Connie was my bride. Mind you, I had never met her before she approached me about booking, but well, she's been the biggest gleam of sunshine in my life ever since. I knew from the moment I met her, like I do often times with people of her good nature, that she had a heart of gold and a optimistic fervor for life. She and Mike have become best friends to Preston and I over the course of the year and I could not be more grateful for their genuine presence, every single day.

Oh hey! They're superbly stylish too! We know I have eyes for photographs that look like they came straight out of a Jcrew or Banana Republic catalog, and well, here you go. (:


Hehe, this is Little Miss Riley. She's a dainty lady. We've dogsat her before and it was grand. That was before I had a monster of a fluffy puppy thinking everything as little as Miss Riley is a toy at his own personal service. Err...


This was one of my favorite photos from their session because umm, Connie has a little feisty streak that I love so dearly about her that Mike is always keeping in balance. It's quite a fun dynamic to be around.


Connie threw on a flannel shirt over her lace dress for the second half of the session and I LOVE the whole different vibe it brought...

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 Connie and Mike, you two have truly become better friends than I ever could have imagined. I cherish your good nature, giant hearts, and love of good food every single day. I cannot wait for so many more adventures with you.








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Brou/Norton Family

All grown up, even my baby sister, is a bit of a strange sight to see in photographs. Strange, but beautiful. Thinking of growing up with sisters, of the fights over clothing, the bribes to switch outfits, the pulling of hair, the moments when cuddling is ok--the moments of growing up. Lovely.

We recently did a little Fall session with my parents and sisters, and I must say, I'm loving the warm hues and the strange feeling of seeing my family on camera. (; Ah, just look at my baby sister, not looking like a baby at all...








As I've grown a little, I've learned the beauty in embracing stages of life--of seeing the growth from where those surrounding have come from and where they'll go, and of just embracing the now. It's so interesting to look at this next photo, knowing that in a few years we will probably look back on it and think of how different our family was.


And these two, answering every phone call I had with questions as I was building our new house and doing all sorts of new grown up things. And if you haven't been following me and didn't know, not only are they talented at making girls, but also at building and refurbishing things. They've done countless projects for me, including this freaking awesome office shelving. They are beautiful.

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This is Shelli, she's our quirky middle child. Can you tell?



So, in the spirit of embracing seasons, I'll attempt to embrace this 75 degree, extremely humid "Fall" weather here in Louisiana. Happy Friday, friends!








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Lauren + Trey {Engaged} - Part I

When Lauren and I began collaborating on the style of this session, I knew our outcome would be fabulous. And oh my word, it was just that! My jaw dropped and wheels started turning as I learned quickly how much I adored these two, how much this session would come to feel as though it were straight out of a Jcrew magazine, and how excited I'd be for documenting their wedding next October.

Lauren's a sweet Southern girl and an organization obsessor after my own heart. And Trey? He's just the type of comic relief most of us Type-A girls need for the perfect balance in our lives. That's just one beautifully pieced dynamic I learned about their sweet relationship. Scroll, and swoon, over part one of their classic, timeless style...

When Lauren showed up with red wine AND s'mores, there was no question she was destined to be my bride...

This little fella? His name is Teddy. He's perfect. Trey shared with me that he briefly debated naming him Chewie before they decided on Teddy...and then I died.

Lauren and Trey, from your sweet, Southern hospitality, to your classic style, to your inviting persona, you had me at "Hello." I cannot wait to get to know you even more and collaborate with you to create perfection for you next October. Stay tuned for Part II. Happy Hump Day!


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The Ducote Family

Oh my, hello Friday! Perhaps I'm a little partial, but this is my beautiful godchild, Isla. We've been doing sessions of my sweet girl all year now, but this is, by far, my favorite. All of the Fall colors, the dreamy field, the perfection in bold outfits are exactly what I had in mind when Amanda and I discussed the direction for this session. I don't generally go for bold colors often when helping clients style sessions, but Isla's bold berry colored outfit from Old Navy, along with her perfectly tiny brown boots were exactly what I envisioned paired with the dreamy field and Amanda's cream dress selection.

And as it always goes, the heart and soul in the mother-baby shots won the prize for my favorites...

I loved so many shots of Amanda and Isla, but this black and white was, by far, my favorite. Of all of the things I love to photograph, especially my couples in love, ultimately, the raw emotion between mother and child just trumps everything. Amanda is wearing my favorite piece by J'adore Lexie Couture, the flower crown. Oh my, swoon.

Second to mother-baby shots. There's nothing like a man in love with his baby. Seth is a wonderfully amazing husband and father. It's so crazy to me that my sweet Isla will be ONE already in January, crazy!!

Oh oh, happy Friday people! I hope for a beautifully relaxing weekend in your near future.

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Bethany + Chase {Engaged}

She's bubbly, he's chill and quiet. Friends for years and now planning to spend their lives together, Bethany and Chase wooed me full force during their session. Not only were they beautifully smitten with one another, but they were perfectly comfortable in front of the camera. In fact, they fell into place so naturally, it was almost as if I weren't even there -- just how I like it. (:

What I loved most about them was that even Chase was incredibly comfortable in front of the camera. But moreso, the interaction he had with Bethany that naturally unfolded from him taking the lead to make them both comfortable and natural, was so, so very beautiful to me. A man leading his lady so delicately is a beautiful thing. I adore these two so much.

I loved Bethany's low-back maxi with her soft curls. They both worked it! In fact, I told Chase I'll need to hire him to direct men for me at weddings. Kidding! But really...he was a pro.

There's little in life more beautiful to me than a happy woman. While, of course, happy people and general are great to be around, there's something specific about a woman. Every single time I capture photographs where I can tell, genuinely tell, that the woman in them is happy, content--that all is right in her world--I fell an immense feeling of satiety inside me.

Bethany and Chase, I absolutely cannot wait for our year of adventure and planning together. And what's more, I cannot wait to document you two becoming one next October. Stay beautiful, radiant, and in love always.




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Kenyetta {Senior 2014}

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”- Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go, always comes to mind as I meet a new year's seniors. Every year, actually more like every session, my seniors absolutely blow me out of the water. Eighteen years old, club presidents, cheerleading captains, top of their class, you name it. Gorgeous, ambitious, prepared. I always wonder as I'm editing their sessions, truly curious as to what great things they will go onto achieve--because I know they are destined for nothing less than that.

I had so much fun photographing Kenyetta. She was a sweet, kind soul. I could feel it in her aura from the second I met her. Kenyetta wore some of J'adore Lexie Couture's gorgeous headbands, and oh sweet goodness did they make her session!  And of course, since I've been on a fruit kick this Fall with my sessions, we decided for a basket of lemons with Lexie's Pumpkin Woods Headband. The warmth in these shots had me squealing with excitement. I can't even handle it...

Kenyetta also wore, my personal favorite, the J'adore Lexie Couture Le Halo Angélique, Flower Crown. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a special giveaway from J'adore Lexie Couture on here!

Kenyetta, I know you will to great things. Keep that sweet glimmer in your eyes and that gentle persona. You are a beautiful soul!  Happy Friday!


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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

The Cefalu Family

With all that is sweet, creamy, and classy, this little family stole my heart. The second Abby walked out in her lace dress paired with Ellis' white smock, I knew we were set up for success. In the small amount of time I spent with the three of them, I could feel Abby's sweet, gentle disposition, Ellis' curious toddler nature, and Bill's easy-going personality.

Look at this sweet girl. It must be something about the little girls named Ellis that I photograph, they are just some sweet, classy baby girls. And as it forever and always goes, the mother-baby shots got me, once again. The gentle aura of a woman and the sparkle her baby brings to her eyes will always be one of the most beautiful stories I could ever have the pleasure of documenting.

As if they weren't cool enough, we added their sweet pup Bella in at the end of their session -- and even she was a pro behind the camera! I even managed a few model poses of Bella before we wrapped it up.

Abby, Bill, and Ellis, I could not be more grateful that you requested me to to document this time in your sweet new family's life. You guys are all things beautiful.

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Laced, Smocked, and Creams

If you've never done a session with me, you may not know the praises I sing for laces and cream colors in photographs. The soft touch they add gets me every time. For all sessions, during our consultation process, I always recommend soft colors and creams. All photographers may not do this, but for me, I've found it matches distinctly with the style of my sessions, and also adds a soft, feminine look for women.

Here's a peek of perfection from this sweet family I photographed recently -- Abby, Ellis, and Bill. Yay for another little girl named Ellis to photograph! And Abby's lace dress, oh my word, swoon...

Stay tuned for a full post of their session on Monday!

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Dougherty Family {Pensacola Fall Session}

While in Pensacola shooting a wedding recently, we were able to catch up with a few people who hold a truly special place in our hearts. As we walked up, I very unexpectedly heard, "Hi Kay-ee" from the little three-year-old I hadn't seen in over a year, and my heart was in a puddle of mush on the floor.

This little project has been on my mind for a while, so seeing it come to fruition has left me with big smiles and a full heart. Shane, pictured in the green shirt, is another Marine and member of 3rd Force Recon with Preston. I met Shane just before meeting these beautiful people I blogged about recently, and he's been a true, close friend to both Preston and I for the past six years. The truest of true.

Apart from being a beautiful friend and an accomplished Reconnaissance Marine, I've watched Shane instantly become the most perfect father over the past three years to the most well-mannered, stylish toddler I've ever had the pleasure of dancing the night away with. Yes, Leo took me on a "date" after our session for a little dinner and dancing. If you've never spent the night dancing with a three-year-old, I warn you, it will fill your heart with giggles and the best memories. I'm pretty sure Leo will steal your heart through these photos with his boyish good looks and generous dishing out of his love, just as he did mine.

Here's where my "little project" came in. I mentioned to Shane that apart from capturing he and Leo, it was on my mind to have his dad in some of the photos. Shane's dad, Pat, is a Vietnam Veteran and retired Reconnaissance Marine also. Pat was a machine gunner with Lima Company in 1969, then he was with 1st Recon Battalion in the 70's. How cool is that?! Two generations of Recon and one ultra adorable little boy from the third...of course this needed documentation. Not to mention, we've known Pat almost as long as we've known Shane, and I know exactly where Shane learned to be such a pro-active, caring father.

And just in case you thought every family photo had to be perfectly posed, I'm here to assure you that, much like life, sometimes there's just as much beauty in the more unkempt ones.This one below may not be perfect, but it's more likely the one that would get framed in my house! It's an, umm..."conversational piece." You see what I mean? This little boy has my heart overflowing, as he clearly does to all of those who surround him.

And this beautiful soul here? Well, this is Brooke. When you meet her, you feel the love radiating from her bubbly, mindful aura. There's something about a beautiful, smiling female--on that you know has a truly happy soul--that creates a more beautiful photo than anything else on Earth, to me. Brooke, your generous persona and the fulfillment I can see that you clearly bring to this family has left my heart so full.

Shane, Brooke, Pat, and sweet Leo, having the pleasure of doing life with beautiful friends like you gives me so much faith and fulfillment. Six years is only the beginning of the lifetime of adventures, love, and memories I hope Preston and I continue to create with you.

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It's Fall Y'all!

It's Fall, and although the weather here hasn't gotten the message about all of the Fall hype, I'm just as excited as the rest of my social media newsfeeds. Apparently, my dapper pup is rather excited too. He managed to find a little style niche in his Fall attire this morning and just begged that I photograph him. Er, maybe it was more like begging for Cheerios.

Either way, my nine month old little fur ball is looking rather sophisticated and ready for some Fall trends this morning, and I just had to share.

Apparently begging for cherios is quite the chore. The model decided he was pooped when the Cheerios ran out.

Chewie hopes this gets you through this Hump Day! Happy Wednesday and Happy Fall, my friends!

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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Ellis is Two!

It makes my heart smile so big to see the babies I've photographed since the newborn stages grow. It adds something so unique to the experience for me to watch their little personalities develop. You might remember Little Miss Ellis from her fabulously styled First Year Sessions. Not only do my babies come with so much personality for photographs, but they also have the best little people clothing choices, ever.

I've been quite into the rustic fruit feel for my Fall sessions and Ellis' sweet Southern peaches paired with her white linen dress unfolded exactly as her momma, Jennie, and I had hoped for from our styling consultations! I hope you enjoy this sweet girl as much as I have over the years!

Jennie, Brandon, and Ellis, I've enjoyed capturing your little family's first years more than you'll ever know. It fills my heart with so much joy to watch these babies grow. I can only hope to document you guys for years to come.

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