Summer Travel Dates

Tell your momma, tell your grandma, tell all of your friends! I'll be traveling quite a bit this summer and have a few extra days in certain locations for bookings. I'd love love love to get to know you and document a special part of your life if you're in any of these areas during my stay. You can read some FAQs about my sessions, here. And if you'd like to proceed with booking or get more info, please don't hesitate to send some love my way, here! Summer Travel Dates

I'm looking forward to making and documenting new friends! Happy Monday!


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North Cypress Member Perks

I've had a few minimum wage-esque jobs in high school and college, most of which were at gyms, coffee shops, or heck, even coffee shops IN gyms. I'll tell you, there's something about working in both of these atmospheres that just brightens your day--or it did for me, at least. I loved the spirit of uplifting people I met in both of these places so much, that I always say someday, perhaps when I retire, I'll go back and work in a gym or a coffee shop--just for the sake of meeting bright and beautiful people. Perhaps its the good endorphins flowing and the routine-oriented people that frequent these places, I don't know. But I'll tell you, they're a bunch of happy humans.

Health and wellness are a pretty big deal to me. I think caring for your body and fueling it for success and longevity is one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself. It invigorates the mind, as well as the physical body, it breeds an environment of goals, and it paves the way for personal achievement. We've been members of our particular gym for a few years now, and I'll tell you, the faces we come to see every day there, just become sort of like an uplifting family.

Well, it turns out, our already AWESOME gym is in the process of a $3 million dollar expansion. Yep, you read that right. A fabulous club that already has a sauna, outdoor pool, tons of group exercise class offerings, a bistro, a salon, and childcare is now expanding EVEN MORE. Part of their expansion will include larger group exercise rooms, tons of new equipment, a sports complex, a private poolside party room, and some pretty cool new training concepts. The best part? Our monthly membership is EXTREMELY affordable. If you're local and want to read more about the expansion, you can do so here.

Anyhow, what's the point of me telling you this on my photography blog? Well, I'll tell you. (: As part of their new expansion and courtesy to members, new and old, North Cypress is partnering with a few local businesses to provide savings exclusively for North Cypress members. I'm so thrilled to announce that I've decided to partner with them for the upcoming year! SO, if you're a member or thinking about becoming a member, feel free to contact me or the club for more information on these sweet deals exclusive to YOU. I'm so looking forward to meeting you and expanding Kali Norton Photography with these offerings this year!

RESIZE North Cypress BLOG

And if you are a local and would like to meet me and see more of my work in person, I will be at Imagine Boutique in downtown Hammond next Friday, April 4th from 6pm til 10pm for Art in April.  Our little town is so great at putting on events to celebrate art and local business, all with the most festive atmosphere. So come stop by, browse Imagine Boutique's PERFECT new Spring arrivals, and have a glass of bubbly with me! I'd love to meet you!


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The 2013 Portrait Favorites

Whew, what a year of growth and self-exploration 2013 was for both me personally and my business. Since the holidays are over and I refuse to let the post-Christmas blues get me down, I've decided to start a yearly tradition in which YOU get to vote on YOUR favorite portraits of 2013! The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to Gap, Jcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Most of these are from my 2013 portrait sessions, with the exception of a couple from 2012 that I just couldn't not include, since I've never done a giveaway of favorites before. Also, because my favorite portraits are the ones heavy on emotion, I've converted them into black and white. While I love a color portrait, I believe that the black and white allows you to fully observe the beauty of emotion I was trying to capture in each photograph. Here's how it will work: To vote, simply state your favorite of the twenty listed in the comments at the bottom of the post, that's it! 

One vote is allowed per reader; however, you may share the post and get as much friends and family to vote as you'd like! The contest starts today and goes through this Wednesday, January 8th at midnight. The winner will be announced on Thursday's blog post.

Disclaimer: This does not include my weddings, so if you were one of my brides, don't feel left out, I've just decided that weddings did not belong in this category. Instead, I think I may do a summer giveaway especially for brides in the future.

1. Waller - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5908

2. Dunckleman - Lifestyle PortraitIMG_5261

3. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_3501

4. Callie - Senior Lifestyle PortraitIMG_4697

5. Nelson - Lifestyle Engagement PortraitIMG_1694

6. Kaylyn - Lifestyle Senior PortraitIMG_2560

7. Rebecca - Lifestyle Maternity PortraitIMG_5930

8. Franklin - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5444

9. Waguespack - Lifestyle Engagement Portrait


10. Ducote - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1141

11. Fabre - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_1918

12. Franklin - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_3315

13. Blanchard - Lifestyle Family Portrait IMG_3711

14. Dunckleman - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_5213

15. Bailey - Lifestyle Senior Potrait IMG_6245

16. Owen - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_5629

17. Waller - Lifestyle Newborn Portrait IMG_5937

18. Cefalu - Lifestyle Family Portrait  IMG_8230

19. Harrison - Lifestyle Portrait IMG_1153

20. Minear - Lifestyle Family PortraitIMG_9255


To vote, simply enter YOUR favorite in the comments below. Contest ends at midnight on Wednesday, January 8th. The client voted favorite portrait will win a $25 gift card to GapJcrew, or Anthropologie (winner's choice). Happy voting!










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Children, Families, Maternity admin Children, Families, Maternity admin

Another Sweet Franklin has Arrived!

In addition to it just simply being the most wonderful time of the year, my heart gets so full with the enormous amounts of love captured in Lifestyle Sessions this time of year. You may remember The Franklins from their family collection we did just before Josephine made her arrival, well now, we have the completion of their family...for this year. (;

Vickie loves being pregnant and is so very natural at being a mother, both of which she wears quite well. Josephine is the third beautiful addition to this giant-hearted family I'm grateful to call close friends. As you know, I love mother and child interaction in photographs. It speaks for itself, more powerful words than I could ever convey...

IMG_3315 Josephine-3IMG_3298Josephine is Vickie's third all natural birth, and this time, at home--in a tub, in her bedroom, with her two girls and her husband right by her side. I can't even imagine the peace and beauty in that.


I love these photographs of Vickie and her three girls so much. They are such timeless heirlooms in their family history--a time that she will look back on someday, of when all of her babies were small, when they loved unconditionally, when they snuck into her bed in the middle of the night, when they needed her for everything. I'm not a mother yet, but I know, this is a time of love and satiety every mother wishes she could bottle up and save forever.

IMG_3331IMG_3375IMG_3358Birth order truly intrigues me. My friends and I discuss the quirks of it often. The first child tendencies, the second child tendencies, the toss up of the third, and so on. I'm a textbook first child and my sister is a textbook second, so it thoroughly intrigues me to observe this in other families. I love the spunk of the second child--the rebel, the mischief maker, the big, guarded heart, and the one that keeps everyone laughing. I love it. And I especially love it in Sofia in these photographs. (:

Josephine-1 IMG_3219IMG_3161 IMG_3164 IMG_3156

This session and this family is special to me in so very many ways. I hope it fills your heart as it did mine this holiday season. Now, go show this week who's boss!








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Maternity admin Maternity admin

Rebecca {Maternity}

You guys may get tired of me raving about military friendships, but well, in this case, I just don't care. I mean that politely, of course. Rebecca is another one of my most treasured friends made from Preston being in the Marine Corps. Me, Rebecca, and her two boys, Oran and Trygg, were considerably attached at the hip during this last deployment. My family all lives at least a 45 minute drive away, I spent countless hours with her, creating yet another invaluable friendship for which I'll be forever grateful.

Rebecca has a gentle heart, spunky persona, and, quite frankly, is the poster child for a strong and beautiful military spouse. Her husband Tommy, is a Major in the Marine Corps, and is extremely loved and respected in a very genuine way by his Marines--in fact, I'm pretty sure this is true actually of just about every person he encounters. When their house unexpectedly caught fire in February of last year, our men were already out of state prepping for deployment to Africa, which left Rebecca and her two young boys facing unsettling circumstances on more than one front. I watched Rebecca carry herself with beautiful strength for her two boys over those ensuing eight months as her house was being rebuilt, they were living away from the normalcy of their own home, and daddy was gone.

Tommy is one of seven children, six of whom are boys. So finding out that they are expecting a healthy baby girl this go-round was the sweetest bit of icing on the cake! I absolutely cannot wait to meet this baby girl.

Rebecca, your friendship, family, and the crazy memories we've made will always ring beautifully in my mind. You and Tommy are truly some of the most genuine, serving people I've had the pleasure of existing with in this crazy life. Now, as tradition goes, I'll have a bottle of red wine ready to pop open for you as soon as this baby girl is born. (;

You are golden.

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Children, Families, Maternity admin Children, Families, Maternity admin

The Franklin Family

Five years, two deployments, countless long drives and hours of waiting for daddy, and many laughs, tears, frustrations, and triumphs. These are just a few of the many unforgettable memories I have with this sweet little family. Vickie was my very first Marine Corps friend long ago when I started dating Preston; little did I know what the next five years would hold in both of our lives. She and Lily were also the very, very first "photo shoot" I did during our Afghanistan deployment wait with a point and shoot camera, when having my own business was just an inkling of a thought. I knew immediately how much I adored her kind heart and sweet baby girl Liliana, but what I didn't know, was how much I would truly come to treasure our little 3rd Force Recon Marine Corps family of friends and the bond we would share.

I have watched Lily grow, anxiously awaited the news of if Sofia would be Sofie or Gabe, and now sit watching as they welcome another beautiful baby into their family very soon. Vickie was destined to be a mother. She raises these girls with such awe-inspiring dignity and carries a baby in that belly of hers with so much natural beauty and grace. I love how every bit of their individual personality shines through right onto these photographs...

From high school sweethearts, to growing and nurturing a beautiful, smart, healthy family that radiates so much love, I'd say they're doing pretty well for themselves.

Vickie and Daniel, I could not be more grateful to have known, loved, and documented you guys over these past five years. Here's to many more years and an invaluable friendship.

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Maternity admin Maternity admin

Awaiting Baby... {Meagan + Adam}

"For this child, I prayed..."

Oh, the loving, doting parents this baby will have. I met Adam and Meagan a couple of years ago, and how beautiful it is to watch them wait patiently to bring this child into the world. Meagan and Adam, I'm overjoyed for you as you begin this journey into parenthood. Your warm hearts will make you the best of parents, I know it. I absolutely cannot wait to meet baby!

We did Meagan's session in the early morning light, and oh, how it was good to us! Funny, it's always my maternity friends that want to do early morning sessions. I personally really enjoy morning sessions, but having hair and makeup done by 7:45am is an admirable feat for my clients having to be behind the camera. Nonetheless, we always get pretty dandy karma from waking up early. Early morning sessions always leave me drooling...

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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Easton {15 days new}

While I don't take on a whole lot of newborn photography , I love when I get the opportunity to document an innocent, new life that has graced the world. It's certainly a refreshing change of pace that reminds me how fragile and beautiful life is. I love the creases, tiny lips, fingers and toes. Here's a peek of Mister Easton...

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Children, Families, Maternity admin Children, Families, Maternity admin

FAQs {Lifestyle Sessions}

Lifestyle sessions are the best ways to document growth every year. Whether it's growth of a child, relationship, or family as a whole, I truly believe in the importance of having this documentation yearly. In fact, as I mentioned in this post, Preston and I make it a point to fit a stylized lifestyle session into our budget every year. You should go read THAT POST about the invaluable meaning of these sessions and the way it's helped us grow as a married couple, documenting the first years of our family and the journey of learning life together.

Yes, a Lifestyle Session is an investment, but it's an absolutely invaluable one for me. It's a monumental experience, planned meticulously to capture raw and organic emotion, style, and love into a curated time capsule. I love the profound joy I have in knowing that the milestones of my own life with Preston have been beautifully documented.  I pray that I give you an inkling of such joy in your own photographs. It’s not just about the photographs for me, though — it’s about the ups and downs, trials, and tribulations of life that you have experienced with the people you love in those photographs. It’s the feeling of accomplishment of making it through those ups and downs with that boyfriend, fiance’, or spouse.  It about the feeling you get when looking at your beautiful grown-up daughter as she graduates from high school and imagining the nine months you carried her in your womb.  I do what I do because I love capturing these milestones so you always remember these blessed feelings.  I want to create treasured heirlooms for you as well.  I want you to feel your own radiance when you look at my documentation of your life. Life is beautiful and it should be documented. You only get one, and oh, how it passes ever so quickly!

I've put together a little informational post for you guys answering some frequently asked questions about my Lifestyle Sessions. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to learn more! Below are some of my favorite shots from recent Lifestyle Sessions. Scroll through to see these and read through the FAQs. (:

How much do you charge for stylized lifestyle photography?

My consultation, curating, editing, and disk of final images costs $500. Sessions are for individuals, couples, or immediate family members. Please inquire about extended family sessions. I also have additional offerings, including prints, canvases, albums, and other art pieces. If you’d like to learn more about additional offerings, please inquire here (

How long after the session does it take to get all of our edited images?

It typically takes 2-3 weeks for full editing completion. It’s probably tempting to ask how the progression is going, but just know I am working very diligently to finish your beautiful images in a timely, yet quality manner.

Do I get printing rights to all of the images?

Yes! Once I finish editing the images from your session, I deliver a DVD to you. You are then allowed the printing rights to these images. I have a list of preferred printing locations that will print your images with the best color and quality. You are also able to post these on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever you choose. If you wish instead, a $250 credit towards prints through me is offered with the collection purchase in lieu of the DVD. All of the images will also be posted in an online proofing site where you can view them and order if you’d like.

Can I order prints, albums, and other specialty products through you?

Yes, you sure can! Many of my clients like to own the digital copy of their session; however, still prefer to print products through me with my professional lab. You can inquire about printing, album design, and other product offerings here (

When do you book sessions?

I book sessions on Monday-Thursdays. We work most weekends shooting weddings, the weekends off are generally spent with family. I ask that you plan work schedules in advance to shoot on weekdays. I typically start the shoot 1-2 hours before sunset or, sometimes, early mornings during busy seasons.


Where are you located?

I’m located in Ponchatoula, Louisiana area, but I take sessions along the entire Gulf Coast…and will travel wherever families, love, or seniors request! For local sessions, I typically shoot in the Hammond/Ponchatoula area or arrange a customized travel fee for locations over 30 miles.

How can I reserve my session date? Can you hold my date?

I require a 25 percent non-refundable retainer of the total collection you choose to reserve your session date. I do not hold a date without a retainer and signed contracts, as dates are booked on a first come, first serve basis.

Do we get all of the images you take on the session day?

No and we do not allow the extra photographs to be seen as they are typically duplicates with eyes closed. I break down all of the images taken into the best collection that beautifully represents the scope of your session. I believe in quality above quantity. These are all hand-picked and edited in detail, then delivered to you as well as posted in an online gallery.

Do you touch up all of your photos?

I do edit each image individually to make sure the color, saturation, and lighting looks as it should. I strive to curate your entire collection with cohesive, timeless beauty.

Do you help me plan outfits and choose a great location?

YES, oh yes! This element is equally as important to me as the actual editing of your images. I truly believe a thoughtfully planned outfits and location coordination are central to beautiful photos and a stress-free shoot. Once you begin the booking process, I will send you details of how we will go about a specific planning process to ensure we are on the same page about the entire style and feel of your session.

What happens if it rains?

All of my lifestyle and senior sessions take place outdoors on location, so I watch weather forecasts days before sessions to try to gauge if rain will affect the session. If it is the case, I will contact you and we will reschedule for another Monday-Thursday available session date that suits the both of us.

What do your albums look like?

I offer premium leather albums. The pages are thick and extremely durable as the photos are printed onto the pages. Each album is custom designed by yours truly in a classic, timeless style. I also offer Fine Art Coffee Table Books with the same classic, timeless design techniques and a linen outer cover.

How long does it take for our albums to arrive?

After the design process is complete, it takes around 6-8 weeks for your albums to be delivered.

Do you make any of our images black and white?

Yes. Some images look better in black and white! I use professional, creative judgment on this. My goal is to make your entire collection as beautiful and timeless as possible.

Does sales tax apply to us?

Yes! If you reside in Louisiana, I am required by the state to charge sales tax.


I hope this answers some of the questions you may have had. If you'd like to learn more or book a Lifestyle Session with me, you can email me at I'd absolutely love to get to know you!

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Families, Maternity admin Families, Maternity admin

Awaiting Isla {Maternity}

We were born six months apart, married 5 months apart, and now my sweet angel of a cousin is having her first baby! I'm stopping the "several months apart" trend here, though! However, I AM the Godmother of Little Miss Isla that Amanda and Seth are expecting in January and I couldn't be more excited! Here are a few pictures from their maternity session...enjoy!!

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Families, Maternity admin Families, Maternity admin

Katie {maternity}

Oh, "the glow." My sweet sweet momma-to-be, Katie, had "the glow" in full force and ready to go.  We got along instantly with her bubbly personality and killer style. She is without a shadow of a doubt, already so completely in love with her little boy on the way. Take a peek for yourself...

I know you can't see her face completely in this next one. But ahh, emotion...happy emotion especially...just gets me every single time.

Newborn pictures will undoubtedly be a hit. So stay tuned, I'll be meeting her little man shortly after he makes his debut into the world in a few weeks! Happy Thursday!!!

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