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Dougherty Family {Pensacola Fall Session}

While in Pensacola shooting a wedding recently, we were able to catch up with a few people who hold a truly special place in our hearts. As we walked up, I very unexpectedly heard, "Hi Kay-ee" from the little three-year-old I hadn't seen in over a year, and my heart was in a puddle of mush on the floor.

This little project has been on my mind for a while, so seeing it come to fruition has left me with big smiles and a full heart. Shane, pictured in the green shirt, is another Marine and member of 3rd Force Recon with Preston. I met Shane just before meeting these beautiful people I blogged about recently, and he's been a true, close friend to both Preston and I for the past six years. The truest of true.

Apart from being a beautiful friend and an accomplished Reconnaissance Marine, I've watched Shane instantly become the most perfect father over the past three years to the most well-mannered, stylish toddler I've ever had the pleasure of dancing the night away with. Yes, Leo took me on a "date" after our session for a little dinner and dancing. If you've never spent the night dancing with a three-year-old, I warn you, it will fill your heart with giggles and the best memories. I'm pretty sure Leo will steal your heart through these photos with his boyish good looks and generous dishing out of his love, just as he did mine.

Here's where my "little project" came in. I mentioned to Shane that apart from capturing he and Leo, it was on my mind to have his dad in some of the photos. Shane's dad, Pat, is a Vietnam Veteran and retired Reconnaissance Marine also. Pat was a machine gunner with Lima Company in 1969, then he was with 1st Recon Battalion in the 70's. How cool is that?! Two generations of Recon and one ultra adorable little boy from the third...of course this needed documentation. Not to mention, we've known Pat almost as long as we've known Shane, and I know exactly where Shane learned to be such a pro-active, caring father.

And just in case you thought every family photo had to be perfectly posed, I'm here to assure you that, much like life, sometimes there's just as much beauty in the more unkempt ones.This one below may not be perfect, but it's more likely the one that would get framed in my house! It's an, umm..."conversational piece." You see what I mean? This little boy has my heart overflowing, as he clearly does to all of those who surround him.

And this beautiful soul here? Well, this is Brooke. When you meet her, you feel the love radiating from her bubbly, mindful aura. There's something about a beautiful, smiling female--on that you know has a truly happy soul--that creates a more beautiful photo than anything else on Earth, to me. Brooke, your generous persona and the fulfillment I can see that you clearly bring to this family has left my heart so full.

Shane, Brooke, Pat, and sweet Leo, having the pleasure of doing life with beautiful friends like you gives me so much faith and fulfillment. Six years is only the beginning of the lifetime of adventures, love, and memories I hope Preston and I continue to create with you.

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Meet My Second Shooter...

He is my comic relief, my voice of reason amidst my frequent female freak-out sessions. He’s a genius brain and knower of any random fact. He is my avid video gamer, Pop Culture lover, Scout Sniper and Reconnaissance Marine. He’s my textbook reader and fixer of all electronic devices. He is my Mister Social, risk taker, and limit pusher.

He pushes me when I’m scared, picks me up when I fall, and challenges me when I’m stubborn. Our adventure in love has taught me more about life than I ever could have imagined, and brought me an eye for documenting life and love in a whole new light. It’s taught me to embrace life’s moments and the huge story, feeling, and era that lies behind each photograph. He connects with people and sees life in a whole different dynamic than I—and this is why he documents your day alongside me.

When you hire us for your wedding day, you're getting more than just a photographer and second shooter, you're getting a team of newlyweds who know the adventures, successes, trials, and monumental moments you will experience in this crazy next chapter -- because trust me, it will be crazy. And it will be beautiful.

Some of the most monumental times in your life are ahead. There will be beauty, there will be breakdown, there will be all emotions in between. There will be days when you need to listen to your wedding song after a fight or look through those pictures to remind you of how you felt at those moments, to remind you. This is why we document.

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Rebecca {Maternity}

You guys may get tired of me raving about military friendships, but well, in this case, I just don't care. I mean that politely, of course. Rebecca is another one of my most treasured friends made from Preston being in the Marine Corps. Me, Rebecca, and her two boys, Oran and Trygg, were considerably attached at the hip during this last deployment. My family all lives at least a 45 minute drive away, I spent countless hours with her, creating yet another invaluable friendship for which I'll be forever grateful.

Rebecca has a gentle heart, spunky persona, and, quite frankly, is the poster child for a strong and beautiful military spouse. Her husband Tommy, is a Major in the Marine Corps, and is extremely loved and respected in a very genuine way by his Marines--in fact, I'm pretty sure this is true actually of just about every person he encounters. When their house unexpectedly caught fire in February of last year, our men were already out of state prepping for deployment to Africa, which left Rebecca and her two young boys facing unsettling circumstances on more than one front. I watched Rebecca carry herself with beautiful strength for her two boys over those ensuing eight months as her house was being rebuilt, they were living away from the normalcy of their own home, and daddy was gone.

Tommy is one of seven children, six of whom are boys. So finding out that they are expecting a healthy baby girl this go-round was the sweetest bit of icing on the cake! I absolutely cannot wait to meet this baby girl.

Rebecca, your friendship, family, and the crazy memories we've made will always ring beautifully in my mind. You and Tommy are truly some of the most genuine, serving people I've had the pleasure of existing with in this crazy life. Now, as tradition goes, I'll have a bottle of red wine ready to pop open for you as soon as this baby girl is born. (;

You are golden.

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The Franklin Family

Five years, two deployments, countless long drives and hours of waiting for daddy, and many laughs, tears, frustrations, and triumphs. These are just a few of the many unforgettable memories I have with this sweet little family. Vickie was my very first Marine Corps friend long ago when I started dating Preston; little did I know what the next five years would hold in both of our lives. She and Lily were also the very, very first "photo shoot" I did during our Afghanistan deployment wait with a point and shoot camera, when having my own business was just an inkling of a thought. I knew immediately how much I adored her kind heart and sweet baby girl Liliana, but what I didn't know, was how much I would truly come to treasure our little 3rd Force Recon Marine Corps family of friends and the bond we would share.

I have watched Lily grow, anxiously awaited the news of if Sofia would be Sofie or Gabe, and now sit watching as they welcome another beautiful baby into their family very soon. Vickie was destined to be a mother. She raises these girls with such awe-inspiring dignity and carries a baby in that belly of hers with so much natural beauty and grace. I love how every bit of their individual personality shines through right onto these photographs...

From high school sweethearts, to growing and nurturing a beautiful, smart, healthy family that radiates so much love, I'd say they're doing pretty well for themselves.

Vickie and Daniel, I could not be more grateful to have known, loved, and documented you guys over these past five years. Here's to many more years and an invaluable friendship.

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