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Gantt {9 Days New}

There must have been something in the air about ten months ago, because it's been a beautiful season of newborns around here lately--little boys, at that. In Taylor's case, this is her second baby boy and the overwhelming love I saw radiating from her was just breathtaking. Even sweeter, Gantt received his name from Taylor's maiden name. This is a concept I really love, actually. Such a beautiful way to keep such a defining part of your heritage as a woman alive.

She held him so closely, all while giving the utmost attentiveness and playful comments to her other, slightly older baby boy, Blain. Peace, contentment. This is what I felt while surrounded by Taylor and her newly expanded family.


Attentive to all of his coos and cries, she was so right at home with baby number two.2014-09-09_0008 2014-09-09_00012014-09-09_0009

There is not much in this world more sacred than the beginning moments of life between mother and child...2014-09-09_00042014-09-09_0003

Blain decided to join us and love on his little brother for a minute. So perfectly sweet did he plant a kiss on his forehead, while dressed in the most adorable seersucker outfit.2014-09-09_0010 2014-09-09_00142014-09-09_0012 2014-09-09_0011Taylor, thank you so much for allowing me to witness and document such soft beginning moments of life between you and Gantt. Enjoy these sweet days, momma.




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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Eli {20 Days New}

I have a handful of clients who have been with me since my itty bitty beginnings of sweating out newborn shoots when I felt like I didn't have a clue what I was doing. Of course, they never knew that, but boy I did. I was so scared those first few times I photographed these brand new lives, and as new parents, I'm sure they were too. But luckily, there were ever-gracious people out there who had faith in my vision and abilities. What's better is, they've stuck with me for nearly four years now, as I've gone through the hiccups and learning curves of starting this little photography business--they've stuck with me. Unwavering. Booking photo sessions to document the life, growth, and love of their families each year. That is utterly the most monumental compliment I could ever hope for.

With that being said, as you scroll, you'll probably recognize Eli's little family from many shoots I've done with them over the years. But for now, this is about Eli. He's brand new and showered with so much love.

As I may have mentioned before, my portrait sessions are less posed and more lifestyle oriented. So, with that being said, I focus more on relationships and organic emotion rather than poses and props. Fifty years from now, I truly believe that it won't be the hat you wore that you'll remember, but instead, the soft, loving embrace your mother gave you. The embrace that told you that no one on this Earth would ever love you as much as she.

Newborn SessionNewborn Session

You know, oh you already know how it fills my heart to document momma and baby like this...Newborn SessionNewborn Session

Eli and I just hung out as he basked in the soft window light. Newborn Session

And Little Miss Ellis patiently waited her turn to love on her brother, while serenading me with her favorite songs from Frozen. Newborn SessionNewborn SessionJennie and Brandon, thank you so much for entrusting me the duty of documenting your family each year. I truly could not be more grateful to have the opportunity to watch the love and life grow as time passes.






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Weddings admin Weddings admin

A Southern Louisiana Wedding - Ashley + Jason

Having photographed weddings for a few years now, I can say that much like people, wedding days are each unique to the tone and vibe that they carry. Some are full of excitement from start to finish, some are intimate and low key each and every minute, some are glitz and glam in every last detail--and these particular characteristics make each wedding day an event and sweet memory burned into the minds' of its participants. This is at least how I observe them. For Ashley and Jason's day, with the utmost sincerity I can say I'm not sure that I've ever witnessed a family so genuinely warm and caring to everyone, big and small, whom which they were surrounded. From Ashley's father's obvious love for his baby girl to Jason's chivalry and warmth towards his mother and sisters, everyone was just full of the best kind of warm, ooey gooey make you wanna give a stranger a kitten kind of love. But what can you say? Warm, genuine people; big, loving families--that's how they make em' in the South and I'm not complaining about it.

Ashley's taste was classic for her day, which gave way to lose all of the fluff. It was for me, truly, an observation of the genuine love and support shared for her and Jason.


She and Jason, just as genuine as the relationships that obviously exemplified and defined love for them...2014-06-05_00262014-06-05_00272014-06-05_00282014-06-05_00372014-06-05_00292014-06-05_00022014-06-05_00092014-06-05_00102014-06-05_00302014-06-05_00332014-06-05_0003 2014-06-05_0007 2014-06-05_0001

And this part of the day had me choking back some crocodile tears and reminded me of my own dad's emotion on my day. Ashley very clearly shares a close relationship with her father and his outpouring of love and perfect desire for her happiness was a moment I'm grateful to have documented. Forever.2014-06-05_00112014-06-05_00322014-06-05_0034

My ceremony photographs are not nearly even close to all in black and white, but for some reason, the emotion in the black and whites really stood out to me from Ashley and Jason's ceremony--and most ceremonies when I go to blog. So sorry (not sorry) for the B&W chosen sequence ahead. 2014-06-05_0016 2014-06-05_0014 2014-06-05_0015 2014-06-05_00172014-06-05_00132014-06-05_0019 2014-06-05_0018 2014-06-05_0020

They had their reception at Chesterton Square in Ponchatoula, Louisiana and it was precisely the lively to-do we tend to throw for wedding celebrations here in the South. Love, family, lots o' dancing, you know...2014-06-05_0012 2014-06-05_00232014-06-05_0025

Ashley and her father's first dance was sweet too, before they decided to break it dooooown on the dance floor.2014-06-05_0024 2014-06-05_0022

 Ashley and Jason, thank you so much for allowing me in to document your genuine hearts, warm loving family, and the beautiful beginnings of your life together as a married couple. I am ever-moved and grateful.



























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Children, Families admin Children, Families admin

Caitlin + Mayson

No words. Well, ok that's a lie. It's me we're talking about. But truly, my clients leave me in awe of the privilege I have to document such breathtaking stages of their lives. I wholeheartedly love all of my clients, this is so true. Nonetheless, the mommas and babies and the relationships between them that I've had the pleasure of so organically photographing lately just takes my breath away.

When the color palette and visions I have in my head, paired with the organic relationships of those I'm photographing come to life, they sometimes create the emotion I intended in the photograph so powerfully to me that I don't even know what to do. Sometimes I even cry. Seriously. I know that sounds crazy, but I do. And it's how I know that documenting life is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Caitlin is my beautiful next-door neighbor and mother of two. Mayson, pictured here, is her eldest little one and a new big sister to her most perfect little brother. This session was just for Caitlin and Mayson, though--to truly capture the essence of love between momma and daughter. Swoon away...


Caitlin - Free People

Mayson - Well Dressed Wolf

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Families admin Families admin

Matherne Family

Warm light, soft tones, and the most attentive eleven month old -- color me a happy girl. Oh, and Miss Kerri decided she wanted the sweetest little gold headband for a few -- how could I say no? Ok, actually it was her photographer mommy who wanted that, but oiy me! She's such a dainty little angel. This session screams soft and Spring, and I couldn't be happier with the sweet love captured between Matt, Theresa, and their first baby girl, Miss Kerrington.IMG_9398Matherne-3IMG_9350Matherne-4IMG_9441IMG_9382Matherne-1 IMG_9523 copyMatherne-2 IMG_9232

 Theresa and Matt, thank you for choosing me to document the sweet beginnings of the love between your little family. I hope it's a treasured heirloom for years to come.SIGNATURE









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Children admin Children admin


I don't have children yet, but I'll say, I have a tiny obsession with extremely fashionable toddlers. So much that, I follow Instagram feeds of mommas who dress their babies with some mad style. When Tracee contacted me about photographing her daughter Rhyan's two-year-old photographs, I knew I was the one in for a treat. I've known Tracee since I was younger; however, since she's had Rhyan I find myself constantly watching her feeds to see the super cute ways she plays dress up with her.

And Little Miss Rhyan? She's the sweetest little momma's girl to utter the words "Au Revoir" that I ever did meet. One of my most favorite things, as you guys know, is to watch interaction between mother and baby. It's just breathtaking to me. The highlight of my session with Tracee and Rhyan was just observing how beautifully attentive Tracee is to teaching Rhyan's little inquiring toddler mind about every single existence and interaction around her. Oh, and hearing Tracee sing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" miiiiight have ranked pretty high for me too. After their session, Preston and Chewie had to hear my voice, which is not near as pretty as Tracee's, sing it around the house for days. (:

IMG_8757Rhyan-3IMG_8841IMG_8799IMG_8866Rhyan-1IMG_8806IMG_8759 IMG_8946 Rhyan-2 Tracee, thank you for the opportunity to document the unconditional love, life, and joy between you and your sweet girl.









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Children admin Children admin


I had the pleasure of photographing five days new little Corbeau the other day, and oh, how tiny and sweet he was. No props, just light and love. Simplicity.


So much perspective in these next few. I've really moved to simplify things over here. Just get down to the basics of emotion and life, and I couldn't be happier with the message it sends through my lens. Little toes, daddy's hands, close to momma. This is what new life is all about. Corbeau-4IMG_4955Corbeau-1 Corbeau-5Sarah, Chris, Drake, and Corbeau, I'm ever-grateful for you welcoming me into your home and allowing me to document the beauty and love in your life. I'm so elated for the opportunity to watch Corbeau grow, as well as your family's love.












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