Children, Families, Maternity Kali Norton Children, Families, Maternity Kali Norton

Grace, Giggles, + Full Hearts: Simpson Family Home Session | Fairhope Family Photographer

"We may not have chosen our situation but we have the power to choose our perspective, and perspective is everything." - Barbara Hill

I've known Jess for quite a few years now and one trait, in particular, has always left me inspired by her: her grace. There's something to be said about the pricelessness of a graceful woman, and more than near any soul I’ve ever met, Jess exhibits grace and strength in her life journey in a way that leaves me ever-inspired.

When she was a teenager, Jess was involved in a car accident that left the lower portion of her body paralyzed, leaving her unable to walk, much less participate in many experiences in life involving the use of her legs. I met Jess long after this accident occurred; however, as I have watched her endure several other life struggles and transitions, including a season of life as a single mother to two boys, I've always been profoundly inspired by her positive attitude, her encouraging words towards the growth and journey of those who may have slighted her, and her exhibition of sheer grace.

A while back when she'd told me about the gentleman she'd met and the ways his personality, love, and lifestyle seeped into and filled the vacant pieces of her own heart, I knew she'd likely found her match. After meeting Cameron and his two littles and seeing the bountiful ways in which their families have blended, I know without a shadow of a doubt that my girl is living her best life.

After many years of feeling compelled to photograph Jess and that graceful spirit, I'm so grateful that I was approached about doing so recently. I hope you enjoy viewing their session as much as I loved documenting it.

Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family

Cameron came into the marriage with two beautiful littles, as did Jess. They recently welcomed sweet Mila into the world, completing their perfectly blended family. I love how much all four of Mila's older siblings adore her in their own ways. While the two younger boys, Orion and Anthony, are best at being little boys and playing amongst themselves at this age, I loved watching Mila's eldest siblings, Geof and June, as they each requested a little alone time to love on her.

Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family

As you can imagine, a house of five littles contains A LOT of energy. This is another reason I love in-home sessions. These boys were having a ball and playing the entire time, making it so fun for me to capture their natural personalities and ages.

Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family

Jess also has impeccable taste in both style and home decor, as you can see. Head on over to my Insta, where I've tagged all of the cute boutiques she shopped at for the session!

Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family

I asked Jess to share with me a little about her sentiments towards her motherhood journey. This is what she had to say:

"Motherhood has been pure beautiful messy chaos. I am so thankful that these little ones chose me to be their mama in this life time. Watching them organically growing into the adults that they will one day become is such an honor. My heart is so full."

Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family

As expected for any little boy, taking photos was not the most entertaining of things on Anthony's agenda that day; nonetheless, it never fails that I get my most favorite photos of a session from the child most disinterested in participating. Perhaps it's that I pay more attention to them in fear that I won't get enough content, or perhaps its just that their natural, spunky personality shining through feels so organic -- either way, I'll take it.

Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family
Simpson Family

Jess, thank you for allowing me to document + share a little of your home, heart, and story, and more so, all of the ways your existence brings light into this world. Here’s to the women around us that lift one another up, push them to test their boundaries, and create the legacies they want for themselves...

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Trahan Family

Capture their sweet little ages, tie them in a pretty bow, and lock them in a box so they can stay this way forever. I'm not a parent, but I can assume that every parent probably feels this sentiment at some point in life. Heck, I sometimes wish I could roll back time and be eight years old again--where no rules were more pressing than making it home before the street lamps came on. But, as Peter Pan and Wendy found out, we can't do that. We grow, we experience life in all aspects, from bittersweet to beauty--and that's what makes the photos captured in time evermore precious.

I photograph many families with young children, and more than just capturing a photograph, I truly try to capture the essence of the child at the age they are. In twenty years, when he's married and living away, perhaps in another state, it's not going to be just his little face at 3 years old that you'll want to remember, but the way he made that silly little grin. Or perhaps, the reminder of the way he looked up to his older sister as if she knew the secrets to unlock the entire universe. Relationships, personalities, and traits that make your tiny humans who they are, and even more, who they will become.

These are just a few of the thoughts that scanned through my mind as I photographed the sweet family Rebecca and Greg have created. I hope you feel some of the essence they radiate when looking at these.

Family Session Family Session Family Session Family Session

So much innocence and joy--just giggles.Family Session

And can we just stop for a moment and talk about sweet Drew's beautiful red hair with that porcelain skin? He stole my heart. He's clearly already stolen everyone else's in his family.Family Session Family SessionFamily Session Family SessionFamily SessionThose little innocent smiles, I just can't even handle them.

Family SessionFamily SessionFamily SessionFamily Session

 Rebecca, Greg, Evie, and Drew, thank you so very much for the opportunity to document your family at such a lovely stage in life. I wish you a year full of the happiest circumstances and most beautiful little adventures.



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What I'm Loving: Fairhope, AL

Growing up in Louisiana, travel along the Gulf coast was pretty frequent for our family. After meeting Preston, who's originally from Alabama, it became even more frequent for me to take those little two and a half hour drives from Louisiana to Alabama. With a compilation of family, Preston's military career, and many friends there, we still visit quite frequently. In the company of our visits, we almost always find time to stop into Downtown Fairhope. If you're not familiar with this cute little All-American town, it's a must-see visit for a dose of classy, Southern, and small town America. Best part is, it's a stop on the way to Gulf Shores or Florida--so I highly recommend a little stop in on your next trip. Even moreso, if you're looking for a quaint little girls' weekend of good food, classy fun, and great shops, look no further.

I'm always looking for the best places to eat when we visit places, so I thought I'd share with you a few of our consistent favorites when we are in Fairhope. My all-time favorite is Local's. Seriously, I don't think I visit Fairhope without popping in for a meal there. Local's prides themselves in local, organic, grass-fed meats, game, and fresh local veggies for their deliciously crafted burgers and the best shrimp and grits around. Wait, it actually gets better when I tell you that you can bring your own alcohol. As if the food weren't fabulous enough, the fact that I can pick up a nice bottle of wine from Red or White Wine Bar down the street and bring it into the restaurant with no corking fee, pretty much makes it a forever love affair.

Speaking of, if you do make a weekend visit to Fairhope and need a swanky place for great atmosphere and fabulous, affordable wine selection after dinner, I highly recommend taking a stroll a few blocks over to Red or White.

Downtown FairhopeDowntown Fairhope

If you like things a bit crunchy from time to time in your life, I also highly recommend taking a stroll a few doors down from Local's over to Rosie Bluum. Essential oils, organic makeups, body things, are just a few of the treasures to find if you need a few organic, California-esque vibes in your life.

Downtown Fairhope

Lastly, if you ever do decide to stay in Fairhope for longer than a few hours and need a second fabulous meal option, Pinzone's is another must. Their romantic outdoor courtyard, fabulous wine selection, and delicious Italian make for a super romantic date night or classy girls' night. In their case, the pictures below simply speak for themselves.Downtown Fairhope Downtown Fairhope Downtown Fairhope

If you find yourself in Fairhope, let me know if you've loved any of these suggestions! I'd love to hear about your experiences. Happy, happy day, my friends!


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Gulf Shores Family Portraits

Because she will only be this age once. She'll only fit in your arms in that way for so long. She'll only excitedly proclaim, "Choo-chi!" in that way that her words are not yet pronounced for so long. But you'll always have the photos--and always, always, she'll be your baby.

I've ranted many times of the importance I feel in professionally photographing family regularly. Authentic, lifestyle photographs that bring out the emotion, age, and relationships that intertwine the family unit. They're heirlooms, my friends--time capsules that, ten years from now, you might not remember otherwise.

This is part of my family. You've seen them before, because well, we do this regularly. We do it because we believe in it. We believe in the documentation, the frozen moments in time, the art of it all.

Beach SessionBeach Session

Amanda is my first cousin, but is really more like a sister, honestly. We're five months apart in age and have experienced so many monumental life events together. She had my godchild, Isla, a year and a half ago, and has brought so much added joy into our family.Beach SessionBeach SessionBeach Session

These are my two sisters--Shelli and Delaini. You've probably seen them on here before, also. Shelli is in school at LSU working towards her Master's Degree and Delaini is heading to junior high. Beach SessionBeach SessionBeach SessionBeach Session

I scooped up my Isla-girl for a few photos of her and I. We just couldn't let good hair and a happy baby go to waste as long as there was still sunlight out...Beach Session Beach SessionBeach Session

But my favorites, always my favorite, are the time captured between momma and baby.

Beach Session Beach Session






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Late Summer Sessions: Alabama

This summer has been one filled with travel and I can't say I have a single complaint about it. We spent the end of May in Alabama recharging from the crazy Spring season, then I spent last week in Chicago at a photography workshop soaking in all of the goodness world renowned wedding photographer, Jasmine Star had to offer. Preston is finishing up his degree in addition to working almost full-time. He's also back in the military drilling with the good ole' USMC once a month AND helping me with the business--so we will take travel in between those happenings whenever we can get our hands on it! I'm remarkably grateful for the busy Springs this little business I've grown has had the opportunity of experiencing, and if you happened upon my post from last Thursday, you know I'm equally thankful for the opportunity to recharge this creative brain to be the best that I can be. I'm a firm believer in the notion that you can't genuinely shed creativity and art onto the experience of life if you don't take some time to EXPERIENCE LIFE. (:

With that being said, I will be working in Fairhope, AL for a couple of weeks in early August and am thrilled to be offering Late Summer Sessions at special, generally not offered prices! Why? Because I love you AND I just adore this beautiful coast we live along. I'll be offering sessions in the Baldwin County area, mostly in Fairhope, and even Gulf Shores upon request. Here it is...


Who are these sessions offered to?

I'm so glad you asked! They're open to anyone I would normally photograph! Families, children, seniors, couples, maternity, etc.

Where will the sessions take place?

This offering is for the Downtown Fairhope area; however, we can discuss the possibility and logistics of anywhere from Gulf Shores to Mobile, upon your request.

I see that the offer says, "Starting at $300," does this mean I get JUST a sitting fee for this price?

 NOPE, it sure doesn't! While prices can and may vary upon individual request, with every collection purchase of $300, you will receive a session/outfit planning consult via email, 30 minutes of shooting time on the day of your session, and 30 edited high-resolution images. Additional factors such as alternate locations, additional outfits, and more edited final images may be added to the session at an additionally quoted price.

Will you help us style these sessions like you do your full sessions?

Yes, of course! I consider it a trademark part of my art to assist clients with achieving a certain feel from their session. They will be soft, elegant, and simple--of which I'll lead the way to helping you achieve in a way that's perfectly you. Because simple never goes out of style.

Do I have to be from Alabama to take advantage of this fabulous offer?

Nope, you sure don't! I know many of my Louisiana loves make summer trips to the sandy shores of Alabama over the summer, too. If your family is vacationing in the Gulf Shores/Fairhope area (or even if you're passing through) and want to take advantage of this offer, you're more than welcome to jive with it! Same applies for my friends in the Florida area, who are only a short drive away.

When and how do I book?

You can book NOW by emailing me at KALI@KALINORTON.COM and we can get you all set up! The sooner you book, the more options you'll have for availability, of course. A 25% retainer will be due along with a contract for booking your session, then the remainder of the balance will be due the day of your session.

For additional questions you may have about my lifestyle sessions and how things work, you can check out my extensively answered FAQs here!

I so look forward to meeting you, working with you, and documenting a fine art collection of work for your family to cherish for years to come.


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Vacation Recoup and Sneak Peeks

Whew, if I'm being honest, we had such a fantastic time on vacation last week that it's really taken digging deep to get back in work mode this week. I've been working like a little hermit to meet some deadlines this week, but neglecting my sweet little blog readers. To keep you in the loop on what I've been working on and ensure that my usual two plus blogs per week will resume next week, here's a peek at Ashley & Jason's perfectly intimate first moment together on their wedding day. They whispered sweet words, they exchanged a few sweet kisses, they soaked in the moment--all while still never seeing each other. These first moments my brides and grooms choose to have are just stealing my heart with the genuine emotion they let me in to capture.


Ashley and Jason's full wedding, along with some snippets from our trip will all be on the blog for you next week. Stay tuned, my little lovies!


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Caitlin + Mayson

No words. Well, ok that's a lie. It's me we're talking about. But truly, my clients leave me in awe of the privilege I have to document such breathtaking stages of their lives. I wholeheartedly love all of my clients, this is so true. Nonetheless, the mommas and babies and the relationships between them that I've had the pleasure of so organically photographing lately just takes my breath away.

When the color palette and visions I have in my head, paired with the organic relationships of those I'm photographing come to life, they sometimes create the emotion I intended in the photograph so powerfully to me that I don't even know what to do. Sometimes I even cry. Seriously. I know that sounds crazy, but I do. And it's how I know that documenting life is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Caitlin is my beautiful next-door neighbor and mother of two. Mayson, pictured here, is her eldest little one and a new big sister to her most perfect little brother. This session was just for Caitlin and Mayson, though--to truly capture the essence of love between momma and daughter. Swoon away...


Caitlin - Free People

Mayson - Well Dressed Wolf

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Matherne Family

Warm light, soft tones, and the most attentive eleven month old -- color me a happy girl. Oh, and Miss Kerri decided she wanted the sweetest little gold headband for a few -- how could I say no? Ok, actually it was her photographer mommy who wanted that, but oiy me! She's such a dainty little angel. This session screams soft and Spring, and I couldn't be happier with the sweet love captured between Matt, Theresa, and their first baby girl, Miss Kerrington.IMG_9398Matherne-3IMG_9350Matherne-4IMG_9441IMG_9382Matherne-1 IMG_9523 copyMatherne-2 IMG_9232

 Theresa and Matt, thank you for choosing me to document the sweet beginnings of the love between your little family. I hope it's a treasured heirloom for years to come.SIGNATURE









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Children admin Children admin


I don't have children yet, but I'll say, I have a tiny obsession with extremely fashionable toddlers. So much that, I follow Instagram feeds of mommas who dress their babies with some mad style. When Tracee contacted me about photographing her daughter Rhyan's two-year-old photographs, I knew I was the one in for a treat. I've known Tracee since I was younger; however, since she's had Rhyan I find myself constantly watching her feeds to see the super cute ways she plays dress up with her.

And Little Miss Rhyan? She's the sweetest little momma's girl to utter the words "Au Revoir" that I ever did meet. One of my most favorite things, as you guys know, is to watch interaction between mother and baby. It's just breathtaking to me. The highlight of my session with Tracee and Rhyan was just observing how beautifully attentive Tracee is to teaching Rhyan's little inquiring toddler mind about every single existence and interaction around her. Oh, and hearing Tracee sing "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" miiiiight have ranked pretty high for me too. After their session, Preston and Chewie had to hear my voice, which is not near as pretty as Tracee's, sing it around the house for days. (:

IMG_8757Rhyan-3IMG_8841IMG_8799IMG_8866Rhyan-1IMG_8806IMG_8759 IMG_8946 Rhyan-2 Tracee, thank you for the opportunity to document the unconditional love, life, and joy between you and your sweet girl.









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Lauren + Ryan: Part I

Lauren and Ryan get me every time with these posts. Just like their engagements (which you can see here and here), there was too much goodness for just one post. So, here's part one of their ever-fabulous, sweet Spring wedding. Soft hues, romantic laces, the most perfect red and pink pops of lip color--all things perfectly soft and classic are how Lauren's day panned out. From the quaint Marvilla Guest House where the girls got ready at, to the mossy oaks overlooking the lake, to The Lakehouse where guests sipped champagne while witnessing their vows, Lauren had the most beautiful day, right down to the straws placed in cups. And oh, how we love some pretty details around these parts. That's a fancy way for saying me. Just me. I'll take one order of all the details please. (:

A harpist, a BHLDN dress, and the hairstyles of her bridesmaids were just a few of my most favorites on the list. I'll let you scroll for yourself and make your own choices about yours.

And in case you're planning a wedding, or perhaps you just love Lauren's planned out details, here are a few of her ever-fabulous vendors from the day...

Venue: The Lakehouse Mandeville

Wedding Dress & Lace Duster: BHLDN

Bridal Prep: Marvilla Guest House

Makeup: Kendel with Makeup by Kendel

Invitations and Programs: Magnet Street

Paper Garland Flowers (pictured in Part II post): Love Embellished

Videographer: BGP Productions

Photographer: Kali Norton





So soft and screaming Spring, I just loved everything about Lauren and Ryan's day. Especially the amount of time we had for their first look and bridal party photos. It was heavenly. The groomsmen may have begged to differ, but I found it just splendid. (:

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And the sweet little flower girl was peeking at us all day long. I'm so glad we captured her doing it.IMG_7040 IMG_7034Hackett-18 IMG_7052IMG_5663 Hackett-21IMG_5702 copy IMG_7107 IMG_7222 IMG_6094

 Note, if you are considering sparklers for your ceremony exit, I HIGHLY recommend considering rice instead. The rice made a much more dainty show on camera. I am a huge fan after Lauren and Ryan's use of it. Stay tuned for Part II of their sweet and lovely nuptials coming later this week!






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I had the pleasure of photographing five days new little Corbeau the other day, and oh, how tiny and sweet he was. No props, just light and love. Simplicity.


So much perspective in these next few. I've really moved to simplify things over here. Just get down to the basics of emotion and life, and I couldn't be happier with the message it sends through my lens. Little toes, daddy's hands, close to momma. This is what new life is all about. Corbeau-4IMG_4955Corbeau-1 Corbeau-5Sarah, Chris, Drake, and Corbeau, I'm ever-grateful for you welcoming me into your home and allowing me to document the beauty and love in your life. I'm so elated for the opportunity to watch Corbeau grow, as well as your family's love.












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