Weddings Kali Norton Weddings Kali Norton

New Orleans Elopement at Race + Religious | Alison + Scott

Alison and Scott got married at Race + Religious, a wedding and events venue in New Orleans, culturally rich in decor and ambiance that exudes an eclectic expression of the city. Though they currently reside in Los Angeles, Alison and Scott are both akin to our ole' girl Nola, as they lived seasons of life here that forever imprinted on their hearts.

In my initial phone conversation with Alison, she was so intentional communicating her desire that the person she chose to document the day understand and connect with her and Scott enough to capture their essence.  I immediately appreciated her hopes for more than just a pretty collection of photographs, but also, hiring a person to connect with the emotion, aesthetic, and happenings of the day in a way that would most accurately depict their world together.

Even then, I hadn't but a small inkling of just how aligned our visions of purpose, connection, and culture actually are to one another.  It wasn't until I spent the entirety of the quiet, joyful minutes of the wedding day with Alison and Scott that I fully grasped a hearty dose of who they are and a little glimpse into what life, love, and joy mean to them.

Here's a little peek into the Spring day in which they vowed to spend the rest of entirety encouraging, loving and forgiving, learning and laughing with one another...

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

Alison and Scott got married at Race + Religious, a wedding and events venue in New Orleans, culturally rich in decor and ambiance that exudes an eclectic expression of the city.  The roots of New Orleans run deep through the venue, from the bricks dried out of clay from the Mississippi River to the and uniquely pieced together artwork and furnishings .

As Alison was getting ready, Scott was enjoying the afternoon relaxing in the side cottage on the grounds of the venue with their son, Oscar.

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

As I arrived to start photographing that day, Alison pulled me to the side.  She told me that she would be taking a few moments of quiet time before she slipped into her dress to nurse Oscar.  She asked if I would snap a shot or two for her to remember.  In that moment, a feeling so beautifully intense, yet calming came over me, as I knew I had just been tasked the opportunity to artistically and authentically document Alison's ambience that day in such a breathtaking way.

There were several moments during the day when I really got to quietly observe Alison in such an organic way.  Without the hustle of anyone needing to primp, prime, curl, or ask anything of her at all, Alison took a few moments to sit with her baby boy and soak in the big, genuine emotion of her world on that day in March.

During this time I learned that Alison runs a company where she serves as a postpartum doula, where she nurtures families and helps them transition during postpartum.  Naturally, with all of the mamas and different journies that have been finding their way in front of my camera lately, I was fascinated.  If you too find this fascinating, you should hop on over to Alison's site to read more of how she left her role as a public relations executive in the entertainment industry to tend to new mamas postpartum.

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

Alison lost her mother about 13 years ago.  In our initial conversation, she shared with me how important photographs that she still has, both formal and candid, of her mother are to her.  Although her mother was not physically present on that day, the ways she was spoken about and intertwined throughout made me feel like I knew a little about the person she was.  From Alison to her sister to her nieces, there was no shortage of genuine, educated, and compassionate ladies around; undoubtedly some qualities inherited from their mother.  After Alison was dressed, her sister pinned a pin on her dress as they shared a moment together in remembrance of her that day.

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

Another component of Alison + Scott's day that I found to be so authentic was the Ketubah they signed prior to the ceremony.  A Ketubah is a Jewish marital contract that outlines the commitment a couple shares to honor one another.  I find it to be an eloquently worded document that serves as a reminder of the commitment being entered into during a nuptial ceremony.

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

The words from the Ketubah were so beautiful to me that I asked Alison if it would be ok for me to share them here:

"We hereby pledge to trust, respect and support each other throughout our married life together. 

We shall always endeavor to be open and honest, understanding and accepting, loving and forgiving, and loyal to one another. 

We hereby promise to work together to build a harmonious relationship of equality. 

We shall respect each other's uniqueness and help one another to grow to our fullest potential. 

We will comfort and support each other through life's sorrows and joys. 

Together, we shall create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion, a home wherein we will honor each other's cherished family traditions and values. 

Our promise to each other, in the presence of loving family and friends, is valid and binding."

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

Though they currently reside in Los Angeles, Alison and Scott are both akin to our ole' girl Nola, as they lived seasons of life here that forever imprinted on their hearts.  From frequent visits to Jazz Fest or just to catch up with family, New Orleans is very much a part of their lives.  And because no New Orleans wedding feels authentic without a celebratory Second Line and brass band, The Storyville Stompers led Alison, Scott, and guests ceremony with some classic New Orleans tunes.

New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious
New Orleans Elopement at Race & Religious

Alison and Scott, thank you for connecting with and entrusting me to capture the spirit your world.

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Birth Photography, Motherhood Kali Norton Birth Photography, Motherhood Kali Norton

Parenthood Firsts: Welcoming Greyson | New Orleans Birth Photographer

"All those cliches, those things you hear about having a baby and motherhood - all of them are true. And all of them are the most beautiful things you will ever experience."

                                                                                                  - Penelope Cruz

Last year after feeling really compelled to document motherhood experiences in a more hands-on, organic way, I announced that I’d be adding birth photojournalism to my service offerings. Having not ever experienced childbirth myself, I was both excited and nervous to embark on this new endeavor. After witnessing quite a few babies come into the world over the past few months, I’ve found the experience to be so enlightening and beautiful. 

Each woman, family, and birth experience is so different from the last and it’s so incredible to watch! Epidurals to inductions to natural births, breastfeeding to bottle feeding, dads who wanna be in the middle of the action to dads who want to quietly support their wives with hand holding and soft kisses -- ALL such raw and breathtaking exhibitions of the strength each and every woman has within them. 

Each by their own unique journey, listening to the needs of their individual mind + body -- it’s nothing short of breathtaking. Every single time. Victoria and Josh are in the throes of their first run at parenthood and documenting the steps of their journey has been such a cool experience. World, meet Greyson James!

Newborn Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer.jpg
Motherhood Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer
Newborn Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer
Newborn Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer
New Orleans Newborn Photographer
New Orleans Newborn Photographer

It's always so fun to visit my clients for a newborn session in the week following the birth. Seeing them settled and finding their new "normal" always gives me the feels. Recently, I've been inviting my mamas to get as comfortable and natural as they'd like in sessions--less posing, more real life. Wanna nurse? Let's do it! Wanna take a nap with baby? I'm down. A more timeless, photojournalistic approach. All the yes.

Newborn Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer
Newborn Photography: Baton Rouge Newborn Photographer
Nursing Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer
Newborn Photography: Baton Rouge Newborn Photographer
Newborn Photography: New Orleans Newborn Photographer
Motherhood Photography: Baton Rouge Newborn Photographer

The photos above were taken a few days after I had the privilege of watching Victoria bring Greyson into the world. Watching my mama clients in the midst of such a range of raw emotion and physical feeling while giving birth is such a unique experience. I am truly mind blown by women and the things our bodies can do.

Here's a peek into Victoria's birth journey...

Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: Baton Rouge Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: Baton Rouge Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: New Orleans Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: Covington Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: Covington Birth Photographer
Birth Photography: Mandeville Birth Photographer
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Children, Families, Maternity admin Children, Families, Maternity admin

Now Offering Birth Photography! | New Orleans Motherhood Photographer

For anyone who keeps up with my posts regularly, you know the strong pull my heart has always had towards capturing the essence and experience of women. I cannot fully explain it, only that I know in the depths of my soul when I photograph a woman who opens up to me or lets me peer a little into her vulnerability, that there is no other place in the Universe I'm supposed to be more in that moment. Whether it's a high school senior, a bride, a boss girl, or an expecting mama, the women and stories that have found themselves in front of my lens over the course of my career have left me impacted in the most unusual and profound ways. For much of my career, I'd never had any stronger pull to any particular type of womanly experience--and while I still very much love photographing ALL types of milestones, I've noticed an ever-growing tug in my gut over the past year or so. During this time, I've noticed a particular and welcomed shift to clients desiring me to document their journey through motherhood. (This is in addition to weddings, of course, which I still very much photograph). Perhaps, and likely, this has to do with my age and place in my own life (no, I'm not quite ready to be a mama just yet), but, this particularly strong pull towards motherhood portraiture and the intensity of emotion captured through the experience is something I know I'm meant to delve into deeper.

After years of inquiries, pleas, and suggestions that I fearfully turned down, I have now decided it's time for me and this camera of mine to extend my services to include birth photography and/or hospital photography. IMG_0976


Motherhood photography encompasses a wide scope of experiences. Currently, I document many mama moments from maternity, newborn, to growth and regular family lifestyle portraiture sessions and have many clients who purchase my Motherhood Collective which allows comprehensive documentation of these. With this, I'll now be offering the option to add birth photography or the option to hire me exclusively for your birth experience or time in the hospital with new baby.

Many families are interested in documenting their birth experience; however, some instead prefer to have the experience documented during the first few moments of life after the birth. Whether you'd like me to document the pushes, tears, and intense emotion of your birth or the tender moments together within the first 48 hours following, I am available for either form of documentation.

As this is a brand new venture for me, I'm offering introductory pricing to the first 5 bookings for Birth Photography or "Fresh 48" After-Birth Photography. If you are interested in having me document this part of life for you, please contact me at for more detailed information + pricing.


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